A review of the scientific literature

cumulative effects

David Beauchesne


May 2, 2024

Now that we know what cumulative effects are, it’s to start diving into the literature on cumulative effects. The last time I truly reviewed that literature dates back to the beginning of my PhD in 2014. It’s been a while, so I figured that I should have an updated look at the current state of the literature. Before actually screening, choosing and reading articles, I decided to do some text mining to see what insights I could get from the article’s metadata.

This blog post thus details the literature search and the exploratory text mining results. For this, I am heavily relying on text mining in R using the tidytext package.

The results


The search and filtering process yielded a total of 334 peer-reviewed articles. I begin with a classic figure for a literature review, i.e. the number of articles through time. The first articles concerned with cumulative effects assessment date back to 1985. Since, we observe a steady increase in the number of articles published, although the last couple of years have seen a dip in the number of articles published concerned with cumulative effects.

table(lit$YEAR) |>
  as.data.frame() |>
  echarts4r::e_charts(Var1) |>
  echarts4r::e_bar(Freq, name = "Articles") |>
  echarts4r::e_title("Number of articles per year")
Figure 1: Number of articles on cumulative effects assessment published each year.


Now let’s have a look at the keywords identified by the authors. First and without surprise, we see that the search terms that were used for the query on Web of Science are frequently used as keywords. Still, keywords most often used generally refer to the process surrounding the assessment of cumulative effects and environmental management in general.

# Extract keywords
key <- lit |>
  dplyr::select(uid, KEYWORDS, YEAR) |>
  dplyr::reframe(key = unlist(stringr::str_split(KEYWORDS, ";")), .by = c(YEAR, uid)) |>
  tidyr::drop_na() |>
  dplyr::mutate(key = tolower(stringr::str_trim(key, side = "both"))) |>
  dplyr::filter(key != "")

# Table of keywords
table(key$key) |>
  as.data.frame() |>
  dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(Freq)) |>
  knitr::kable(col.names = c("Keywords", "Frequency")) |>
  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "55%", height = "500px")
Table 1: Frequency of keywords used literature search on cumulative effects assessment.
Keywords Frequency
cumulative effects assessment 48
cumulative effects 37
cumulative impact assessment 33
environmental impact assessment 26
cumulative impacts 25
strategic environmental assessment 16
cumulative risk assessment 11
environmental assessment 11
impact assessment 11
marine spatial planning 11
multiple stressors 10
risk assessment 10
ecosystem-based management 9
indicators 9
cumulative effects assessment and management (ceam) 8
canada 7
cumulative risk 7
mining 7
climate change 6
cumulative effect assessment 6
conservation planning 5
cumulative effects assessment and management 5
maritime spatial planning 5
mitigation 5
reindeer herding 5
baltic sea 4
biodiversity 4
conservation 4
cumulative impact 4
governance 4
hydropower 4
marine 4
marine mammals 4
monitoring 4
social indicators 4
sustainability 4
valued components 4
vulnerability 4
water quality 4
adaptive management 3
anthropogenic pressures 3
athabasca river 3
caribou 3
coal mining 3
collaboration 3
connectivity 3
cumulative 3
cumulative effect 3
cumulative effects assessments 3
cumulative effects management 3
cumulative environmental change 3
decision support 3
ecosystem services 3
environmental impact assessment (eia) 3
environmental science 3
forestry 3
framework 3
geographic information system 3
geographic information systems 3
hydrology 3
integration 3
marine ecosystem services 3
marine protected areas 3
msp 3
population dynamics 3
protected areas 3
regional assessment 3
resilience 3
risk-based approach 3
sami 3
scoping 3
social impact assessment 3
social impacts 3
strategic environmental assessment (sea) 3
sustainable development 3
sweden 3
systematic review 3
thresholds 3
adriatic sea 2
anthropogenic threats 2
arctic 2
assessment 2
based management 2
biological diversity 2
cea 2
chemical mixture 2
conceptual model 2
contamination 2
cumulative effects analysis 2
cumulative effects assessment (cea) 2
cumulative impact analysis 2
cumulative impact assessments 2
cumulative social effects 2
decision making 2
decision support instruments 2
density dependence 2
development 2
disturbances 2
ecosystem approach 2
ecosystem\&\#8208 2
ecotoxicology 2
eia 2
endangered species 2
environmental management 2
environmental planning 2
environmental stressors 2
eutrophication 2
evaluation 2
fish 2
forest ecosystems 2
forest management 2
germany 2
global change 2
habitat connectivity 2
hazard index 2
human activities 2
human footprint 2
hypoxia 2
impacts 2
india 2
interactions 2
land use planning 2
machine learning 2
management 2
marine biodiversity 2
marine ecosystem 2
marine habitats 2
marine management 2
marine renewable energy 2
marine strategy framework directive 2
methods 2
mining policy 2
moose 2
multi-sector 2
multiple pressures 2
natural stressors 2
nepa 2
network analysis 2
new zealand 2
noise 2
ocean management 2
offshore oil and gas 2
planning 2
policy 2
population modeling 2
portugal 2
prioritization 2
procedural effectiveness 2
public health 2
recovery 2
remote sensing 2
renewable energy 2
resource governance 2
resource management 2
risk analysis 2
rivers 2
scale 2
science 2
science-policy interface 2
seabirds 2
significance 2
spatial analysis 2
spatial planning 2
stressors 2
systematic conservation planning 2
threshold 2
uk seabed 2
uncertainty 2
watershed 2
watershed management 2
wetlands 2
wind power 2
wolf 2
(lower) mekong river basin 1
{[}bmim]c1 1
</bold> 1
abrasion 1
acceptability 1
acceptable change 1
acetamiprid 1
action research 1
acute toxicity 1
adaptation and mitigation to climate change 1
adaptive cycle 1
adaptive ecology 1
additive effects 1
additive models 1
aegean sea 1
aerial photography 1
aggregate extraction 1
aggregate risk 1
aggregated impacts 1
agricultural parks 1
agriculture 1
air pollution 1
alberta 1
alces (r) 1
almendares river 1
alpine environment 1
analytical methods 1
antarctic treaty 1
antarctica 1
anthropocene baselines 1
anthropogenic 1
anthropogenic activities 1
anthropogenic impacts 1
anthropogenic stressors 1
aplm 1
aquaculture 1
aquaculture suitability analysis 1
aquatic ecosystem 1
aquatic ecosystems 1
aquatic life safety 1
arctic freshwaters 1
arctic national wildlife refuge 1
area of occupancy 1
areas beyond national jurisdiction (arnj) 1
artificial neural network 1
artisanal and small-scale gold mining (asgm) 1
assessment evidence 1
atmospheric science 1
attraction 1
autonomous platforms 1
avoidance 1
backpropagation algorithm 1
bangladesh 1
baseline 1
baselines 1
basin-wide 1
basque country 1
bayes nets 1
bayesian networks 1
bayesian numerical methods 1
bayesian statistics 1
benchmark conditions 1
benthic community 1
benthic habitats 1
benthic macroinvertebrates 1
best management practices (bmps) 1
best professional judgement 1
beyond compliance 1
bhutan 1
bio-physical indicators 1
biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction (bbnj) 1
biodiversity loss 1
biomarkers 1
biophysical model 1
biota 1
bird collisions 1
bird migration 1
blue mussel 1
bonn challenge 1
boreal forest 1
bottom-up-top-down ecosystem approach 1
bowen basin 1
bowtie risk analysis 1
brazilian coast 1
british columbia 1
bruvs 1
bycatch 1
cache river 1
cadmium 1
canadian environmental assessment act 1
canis tupus 1
canonical discriminant analysis 1
capacity 1
capacity building 1
cardiovascular disease 1
caretta caretta 1
case studies 1
case study 1
case study analysis 1
case-by-case examination 1
causal criteria 1
causal digraphs 1
causal inference 1
causal loop diagrams (cld) 1
causal models 1
causality 1
causality analysis (ca) 1
cause-and-effect relationships 1
cea backsourcing 1
cell apoptosis 1
central valley 1
cetaceans 1
chemical mixtures 1
chemical safety assessment 1
chemical transport modeling 1
china 1
china and south korea 1
choice experiment 1
chronic toxicity 1
cia 1
civic engagement 1
cladocerans 1
climate 1
climatic threats 1
cluster analysis 1
coal seam gas 1
coastal and marine spatial planning 1
coastal fisheries 1
coastal management system 1
coastal zone 1
coexistence 1
collaborative governance 1
collective impacts 1
collective pressure 1
collective risk management 1
collision risk model 1
collision risk modelling 1
colorado pikeminnow 1
combined effects 1
combined stressors 1
community composition 1
community-based 1
comparative assessment 1
complaints 1
complementarity 1
complex inter-relations 1
complex systems 1
compliance monitoring 1
computer simulation model 1
conceptual challenges 1
conceptual framework 1
conceptual model development 1
confidence 1
conflicts 1
confounders 1
confounding 1
connectivity conservation 1
connector matrices 1
conservation prioritization 1
containers destruction 1
contaminants 1
contract for difference 1
coordination 1
copepods 1
coral populations 1
coral reefs 1
corporate community development 1
corporate development project 1
corporate social responsibility 1
correlation 1
coupled natural-human systems 1
critical habitat 1
critical thinking 1
cross-cultural knowledge 1
cross-scale policy mitigation methods 1
crown-of-thorns starfish 1
crustacean production 1
cuba 1
cultural effects 1
cumulative and cascading effects 1
cumulative assessment 1
cumulative effect assessments 1
cumulative effects assessment science 1
cumulative environmental effects 1
cumulative exposure 1
cumulative impact assessment (cia) 1
cumulative impact assessments (cia) 1
cumulative impact maps 1
cumulative impacts assessment 1
cumulative social impacts 1
cyclones 1
cytotoxicity 1
daily values 1
dam 1
dam cascades 1
daphnia magna 1
data 1
decision support analysis 1
decision support systems 1
decision support tool 1
decision support tools 1
decision trees 1
decision-making process 1
deep sea 1
deforestation 1
deliberative and inclusive process 1
demographic 1
density limits 1
desmethyl-acetamiprid 1
developing countries 1
direct top assay 1
directed acyclic graph 1
dispersal 1
disposal at sea 1
dissolved oxygen 1
disturbance 1
disturbance ecology 1
dolphin habitat 1
dongting lake 1
downscaling 1
dpsi model 1
dust 1
dyke opening 1
dynamic bayesian network modelling 1
eagle plain 1
earth system science 1
ecoengineering 1
ecological connectivity 1
ecological integrity 1
ecological modeling 1
ecological models 1
ecological niche models 1
ecological residence 1
ecological restoration 1
ecological risk assessment 1
ecological risk assessment for the effects of fishing 1
ecological sustainability 1
ecology 1
economic impacts 1
economic impacts of hydropower 1
economic modelling 1
ecosystem approach to fisheries 1
ecosystem based management 1
ecosystem based management and monitoring 1
ecosystem based management approach 1
ecosystem classification 1
ecosystem condition 1
ecosystem function 1
ecosystem health 1
ecosystem integrity 1
ecosystem restoration targets 1
ecosystem services (es) 1
ecosystem threats 1
ecosystem-base management 1
ecosystem-based approach 1
ecosystem-based fisheries management 1
ecotoxicological test 1
effectiveness 1
effects assessment 1
effects assessments 1
eflows 1
eia practice 1
employer occupational safety and health 1
endocrinology 1
energy 1
energy policy 1
environment 1
environment planning 1
environmental assessment (ea) 1
environmental effects monitoring 1
environmental exposure 1
environmental fate and transport 1
environmental footprint 1
environmental governance 1
environmental impact 1
environmental impact statement 1
environmental impact statement (eis) 1
environmental impacts 1
environmental justice 1
environmental law 1
environmental monitoring 1
environmental occurrence 1
environmental pollution 1
environmental response factors 1
environmental risk 1
environmental sociology 1
equality act 2010 1
estuary 1
ethology 1
europe\&apos 1
evidence-based medicine 1
ex-post facto social impact assessment 1
expert opinion 1
expert-driven process 1
exposure 1
exposure assessment 1
exposure routes 1
extinction 1
extraction 1
fear 1
feedbacks 1
fildes peninsula 1
first-fit decreasing algorithm 1
fish -habitat 1
fish migration 1
fish populations 1
fisheries 1
fishing 1
fishing impact 1
fishing intensity 1
fishing mortality 1
flight behaviour 1
floating gardens 1
floating modular island 1
flooding 1
floodplain food web 1
flow fluctuations 1
flow regulation 1
follow up 1
food 1
food web spatial-temporal model 1
forest 1
forest planning 1
forestry management 1
fragmentation thresholds 1
french polynesia 1
freshwater 1
freshwater threats 1
functional diversity 1
functional redundancy 1
future trajectories 1
futures studies 1
fuzzy cognitive mapping 1
gambusia puncticulata 1
gap analysis 1
gear efficiency 1
geobia 1
geochemistry 1
geographic information systems (gis) 1
geography 1
geology 1
geonode 1
geophysics 1
geoplatfonn 1
geospatial tools 1
german environmental specimen bank 1
gis 1
global environmental change 1
global processes 1
golf tourism development 1
gorgan 1
grassland(s) 1
grazing grounds 1
great barrier reef 1
greenhouse gas assessment 1
gross national happiness 1
guidance 1
guidelines 1
gulf of mexico 1
habitat 1
habitat directive 1
habitat evaluation procedure 1
habitat fragmentation 1
habitat loss 1
habitat modification 1
habitat restoration 1
habitat suitability 1
habitat suitability index 1
habitat suitability models 1
half-earth 1
harmonic analysis 1
hazardous chemical agents 1
hazardous ionic liquids 1
heat stress 1
hepg2 1
herder knowledge 1
hierarchy of spatial scales 1
historical remote sensing 1
historical time series 1
holistic 1
hong kong 1
hudson bay lowland 1
human dimensions 1
human health risk 1
human impacts 1
human rights impact assessment 1
human threats 1
human well-being 1
hydraulic fracturing 1
hydrocarbon 1
hydrodynamic conditions 1
hydroelectric dams 1
hydroelectric development 1
hydroelectricity 1
hydrogeologic classification 1
hydrogeomorphic classification 1
hydromorphological indicators 1
hydropower mitigation 1
hydropower planning 1
il 1
imidacloprid 1
immunomodulatory effects 1
impact 1
impact pathways 1
impact significance 1
impacts assessment 1
indicator kriging 1
indices 1
indigenous 1
indigenous knowledge 1
indigenous peoples 1
indigenous peoples' rights 1
indigenous rights 1
indirect effect 1
individual-based model 1
indo-pacific humpback dolphin 1
information management 1
infrastructural impacts 1
infrastructure development 1
injury 1
institutional arrangements 1
institutional context 1
institutional coordination 1
institutional requirements 1
institutions 1
integrated coastal management 1
integrated ecosystem assessment 1
integrated land management 1
integrated marine ecosystem service assessments 1
integrated resource management 1
integrated water resources management 1
interaction 1
interaction networks 1
interactive models 1
intermediate disturbance 1
intra-inter interactions 1
introduced species 1
invasive marine species 1
invasive species 1
ionic liquid 1
ionic liquids 1
irreplaceability 1
irrigation 1
isoprostanes 1
italy 1
iucn species 1
joint exposures 1
kenya 1
knowledge management 1
knowledge synthesis 1
kriging interpolation 1
lakes 1
land cover 1
land loss 1
land take 1
land use 1
land use and land cover 1
land use management 1
land use policy 1
land use regression 1
land-based pressures 1
land-use change 1
land-use framework 1
land-use planning 1
landbirds 1
landforms 1
lands for life 1
landsat 1
landscape assessment 1
landscape connectivity 1
landscape ecology 1
landscape fragmentation 1
landscape fragmentation threshold 1
landscape gradient 1
landscape indicators 1
landscape indices 1
landscape metrics 1
landscape modelling 1
landscape of fear 1
landscape simulation 1
large landscape conservation 1
large mammals 1
large-scale ecosystem restoration 1
latin america 1
law 1
legacy impacts 1
legal pluralism 1
legislative framework 1
legitimacy 1
lentification 1
liao river 1
life cycle assessment (lca) 1
life history 1
life-cycle 1
likelihood 1
limits of acceptable change 1
line-transect analysis 1
linear 1
linear development 1
lithuania 1
litigation 1
local development documents 1
local development framework 1
local impact 1
loggerhead 1
london protocol london convention 1
longitudinal study 1
low carbon power production 1
low energy availability 1
lower fraser river basin 1
mackenzie valley 1
malawi 1
management policy and practice 1
marine assessment 1
marine conservation 1
marine conservation areas 1
marine ecosystem service supply 1
marine ecosystems 1
marine functional zoning 1
marine invertebrates 1
marine protected area 1
marine renewable energies 1
marine spatial planning (msp) 1
marine strategic framework directive 1
marine turtles 1
maritime criminality 1
maritime industry 1
maritime spatial planning (msp) 1
maritime use conflict analysis 1
marxan 1
marxan with zones 1
meta-analysis 1
metal 1
method standardization 1
methodological challenges 1
methylparaben 1
microalgal communities 1
microphytobenthic communities 1
microphytobenthos 1
migration corridors 1
mining law 1
mitigation hierarchy 1
mitigation measures 1
mitigation strategies 1
mitigative measures 1
mitochondrial bioenergetics 1
mixture 1
mixture allocation factor 1
mixture assessment factor 1
mixture risks 1
model simulations 1
model uncertainty 1
modeling 1
models 1
monitoring indicators 1
monitoring strategies 1
monte carlo simulation 1
moose river basin 1
moose-wolf-caribou system 1
motorized route-user networks 1
mpas 1
multi parametric optimization of ecosystem 1
multi-media fugacity model 1
multi-project (eia) 1
multi-purpose 1
multi-risk 1
multi-scale modelling framework 1
multi-sectoral governance 1
multi-use 1
multiple-use landscape 1
multiroute exposure 1
multispecies modeling 1
multitrophic 1
mytilus edulis 1
narmada 1
national environmental policy act 1
national estuary program 1
national scale analysis 1
natura 2000 1
natural resource management 1
neogobius melanostomus 1
network governance 1
neural networks 1
nmpans 1
noise pollution 1
nomiracle 1
non-additive effects 1
non-chemical stressors 1
non-linear regression models 1
non-market valuation 1
nonchemical stressors 1
north yukon 1
northern canada 1
northern ontario 1
northwest territories 1
obstruction 1
ocean activities and uses 1
ocean observing systems 1
oceanography 1
odemm 1
offshore wind 1
offshore wind energy 1
offshore wind farm 1
offshore wind farms 1
oil and gas 1
oil sands 1
open data 1
open source 1
optimacy 1
organic certification 1
organochlorine pesticides 1
organophosphates and carbamates 1
oxidative stress 1
papua new guinea 1
paradigm shift 1
participatory mapping 1
participatory rural appraisal 1
particle tracking 1
pathogen 1
pbt assessment 1
perchlorates 1
performance 1
permafrost 1
persistence 1
personal exposure 1
pest 1
pesticide mixtures 1
pesticide residues in soil 1
petroleum and natural gas (png) 1
pfas 1
pfass 1
pfpas and pfpias 1
pine plantations 1
pinus radiata 1
pipeline 1
pipelines 1
place-based management 1
plastic pollution 1
policy ambiguity 1
policy plans and programs (ppps) 1
policy reform 1
policy-making 1
pollution 1
polynomial regression 1
population viability analysis 1
porcupine caribou 1
porcupine caribou herd 1
portovelo-zaruma, ecuador 1
post-conflict development 1
practice 1
practitioners 1
precautionary principle 1
precursors 1
predator 1
predator-prey interactions 1
predictive scenarios 1
preliminary eia 1
pressure magnitude 1
pressures 1
principal component analysis 1
probabilistic risk assessment 1
productivity-susceptibility analysis 1
project boundaries 1
project expansion 1
project regulatory review 1
project screening 1
projections 1
protected land 1
protocol 1
proton leak 1
pseudocalanus acuspes 1
psychosocial factors 1
public consultation 1
public interest 1
public participation 1
public sector equality duty 1
pulp mills 1
python 1
qualitative modeling 1
quality 1
quantifying the impact 1
rangifer tarandus caribou 1
reactive oxygen species (ros) 1
red list of ecosystems 1
red-s 1
reef fish 1
reference points 1
regional effects assessment 1
regional environmental assessment 1
regional environmental assessment (rea) 1
regional land-use planning 1
regional planning 1
regional prioritization 1
regional spatial strategies 1
regulatory design 1
regulatory limit 1
rehabilitation 1
relational scale 1
relative potency quotient 1
relative risk model 1
remnant vegetation 1
renca 1
reoxygenation 1
repeated measures analysis 1
representative areas 1
resilience pivots 1
resource capitals 1
resource communities 1
resource development 1
resource extraction 1
restoration 1
revegetation 1
review 1
rhithropanopeus harrisii 1
rights 1
ring of fire mining development 1
risk 1
risk criteria and management 1
risk identification 1
risk management 1
risk management process 1
risk-based 1
risk-based environmental assessment 1
risk-increasing behaviors 1
river degradation 1
river systems 1
road construction 1
road dust 1
rocky reefs 1
root-mean-square error 1
rotifers 1
run-of-river 1
s seas 1
safe operating space 1
safetea-lu 1
saint john river 1
salmon recovery 1
sami people 1
sampling and analytical challenges 1
san-francisco bay 1
satellite tracking 1
scaling 1
scenario 1
scenario analysis 1
scenario modeling 1
scenario models 1
scenarios 1
science-policy interface<bold> 1
scientific integrity 1
sdi 1
sea 1
sea analysis framework 1
sea turtle 1
seabed dredging 1
seagrass 1
seanergy 1
seascape connectivity 1
secondary data analysis 1
sediment 1
sediment erosion 1
seea-eea 1
seismic survey 1
semi-domesticated reindeer 1
sensitivity analysis 1
sensitivity maps 1
services production 1
severity 1
sewage epidemiology 1
sign directed graphs 1
silos 1
simulated annealing 1
skylark population dynamics 1
small modular nuclear reactor 1
small-scale fisheries 1
small-scale hydro 1
smothering 1
social -ecological systems 1
social development 1
social imaginary 1
social impact 1
social thresholds 1
social welfare 1
social-ecological resilience 1
social-ecological systems 1
socio-ecological system 1
socio-ecological systems 1
socio-ecological systems (sess) 1
socioeconomic factors 1
soil 1
soils 1
solar power 1
southern benguela 1
space@sea 1
spatial analyses 1
spatial conservation prioritization 1
spatial decision support systems 1
spatial decision support tools (dsts) 1
spatial decision-support tools 1
spatial distribution 1
spatial management 1
spatial simulations 1
spatial support framework 1
spatially explicit assessment 1
spatially explicit risk analysis 1
spatio-temporal models 1
species distribution model 1
species distribution modelling 1
st. lawrence 1
stakeholder involvement 1
stakeholder management 1
stakeholder relations 1
standardized framework 1
state environmental policy act 1
stella 1
stereo-bruvs 1
stochastic life cycle model 1
strategic assessment 1
strategic decision-making 1
strategic effects assessment 1
strategic management 1
streamflow 1
stress 1
stressor interactions 1
study area 1
stygofauna 1
supplementary planning guidance 1
suspended particulate matter 1
sustainability appraisal 1
sustainability assessment 1
sustainability assessment for fishing effects 1
sustainability science 1
sustainable agriculture 1
sustainable blue economy 1
sustainable development goals 1
sustainable development planning 1
sustainable forest management 1
sustainable local development 1
swat 1
switching state-space modeling 1
symphony-tool 1
synergism 1
system dynamics 1
systems thinking 1
temporal variation 1
terminology 1
terrestrial ecosystem 1
terrestrial species 1
the female athlete triad cumulative risk assessment 1
theory 1
thermokarst 1
thiamethoxam 1
threat mapping 1
threat maps 1
threatened species 1
threats 1
tidal wetlands 1
tiered approach 1
time-scale analysis 1
tipping points 1
tools 1
tools4msp software 1
towed bottom-fishing 1
toxic effect 1
toxicity 1
trade-offs 1
traditional chinese medicine 1
traditional food systems 1
traditional land use 1
trans-boundary water pollution 1
transboundary collaboration 1
transboundary conservation 1
transboundary cooperation 1
transboundary water management 1
transition theory 1
transnational governance 1
transnational policy learning 1
transparency 1
tree patches 1
triclosan 1
triggers 1
troglofauna 1
ulva spp. zostera marina 1
uncertainty analysis 1
unconventional shale gas development 1
underwater noise 1
unintentional mixtures 1
united kingdom 1
urban 1
urban hydrology 1
urban wetlands 1
use-use interaction 1
valued ecosystem component selection 1
valued ecosystem components 1
variability 1
vegetation 1
vessel monitoring system 1
vulnerability index 1
vulnerable life stage 1
vulnerable populations 1
vuntut gwitchin 1
water chemistry 1
water diversion 1
water environment 1
water footprint 1
water governance 1
water management 1
water quality index 1
water quality management 1
water quality monitoring 1
watershed cumulative effects assessment 1
watershed monitoring 1
watershed reporting 1
watersheds 1
webtools 1
welfare reform 1
western canada 1
white river 1
white sucker 1
wilderness 1
wildlife management 1
wildlife monitoring 1
wind turbines 1
worker 1
xiamen 1
yangtze river 1
yukon government 1

Titles and abstracts

Word frequency & co-occurrence

Keywords are not necessarily all-encompassing and 61 articles did not even identify any keywords. I therefore turned to text mining the titles and abstracts to glean a little more insights. First, let us tokenize the titles and abstract to get a general idea of the frequency of terms used. In order to find things that we do not already know, I removed the terms that were used in the query of the Web of Science database since they should logically be very frequent. The idea here is to visualize other terms that generally accompany those main terms. I also counted words only once per article to avoid aver-emphasizing words that could be used multiple times within a single abstract or title; this means that the frequencies presented below represent the number of manusript in which a word is used. Below, I present a table with the number of manuscripts in which each word is used (Table 2). I also present a wordcloud constrainted to words cited in at least 60 manuscripts (Figure 2).

# Queried terms to remove
rem <- c(
  "environmental", "cumulative", "effects", "effect", "impacts",
  "impact", "risks", "risk", "assessments", "assessment", "na",
  "elsevier", "reserved"

# Frequency of words per year
words_year <- lit |>
  dplyr::mutate(txt = glue::glue("{TITLE}; {ABSTRACT}")) |>
  dplyr::select(uid, year = YEAR, txt) |>
  tidytext::unnest_tokens(word, txt) |>
  dplyr::anti_join(tidytext::stop_words, by = "word") |>
  dplyr::distinct() |>
  dplyr::group_by(word, year) |>
  dplyr::count(word) |>
  dplyr::ungroup() |>
  dplyr::filter(!word %in% rem)

# Word frequency regardless of year
words <- words_year |>
  dplyr::group_by(word) |>
  dplyr::summarize(n = sum(n)) |>

# Table
words |>
  knitr::kable(col.names = c("Words", "Number of articles")) |>
  kableExtra::kable_paper() |>
  kableExtra::kable_styling(position = "center") |>
  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "55%", height = "500px")
Table 2: Frequency of words used in the titles and abstracts of the literature search on cumulative effects assessment.
Words Number of articles
based 134
management 133
development 112
approach 111
study 106
planning 102
multiple 99
analysis 95
results 94
human 93
framework 87
potential 87
approaches 83
spatial 82
data 81
future 79
activities 78
ecosystem 78
paper 74
marine 72
scale 70
current 68
ecological 68
key 67
regional 67
change 66
process 65
provide 65
rights 64
decision 63
policy 63
environment 62
project 62
assess 59
ecosystems 59
information 59
level 59
research 59
methods 58
sea 58
species 58
developed 57
canada 56
land 56
studies 56
support 56
understanding 55
specific 54
processes 53
identify 51
model 51
monitoring 51
time 51
knowledge 50
including 48
assessing 47
challenges 47
context 47
components 46
projects 46
stressors 46
identified 45
local 45
review 45
2 44
conservation 44
resource 44
applied 43
complex 43
population 43
1 42
address 42
habitat 42
include 42
natural 42
resources 42
water 42
existing 41
practice 41
pressures 41
issues 40
tool 40
region 39
strategic 39
anthropogenic 38
cea 38
climate 38
due 38
increasing 38
levels 38
proposed 37
significant 37
term 37
3 36
coastal 36
communities 36
considered 36
health 36
related 36
social 36
biodiversity 35
community 35
evaluation 35
integrated 35
lack 35
quality 35
regulatory 35
tools 35
effective 34
focus 34
implementation 34
national 34
set 34
system 34
systems 34
actions 33
developments 33
found 33
inform 33
interactions 33
limited 33
literature 33
river 33
combined 32
improve 32
indicators 32
factors 31
habitats 31
models 31
practices 31
relevant 31
required 31
requires 31
scenarios 31
science 31
article 30
assessed 30
comprehensive 30
decisions 30
efforts 30
global 30
individual 30
integration 30
method 30
outcomes 30
strategies 30
conditions 29
exposure 29
frameworks 29
major 29
policies 29
scientific 29
critical 28
mining 28
published 28
suggest 28
sustainable 28
temporal 28
4 27
e.g 27
importance 27
influence 27
north 27
opportunities 27
pressure 27
relative 27
single 27
capacity 26
evaluate 26
increase 26
low 26
populations 26
propose 26
recommendations 26
scales 26
threats 26
types 26
values 26
findings 25
landscape 25
northern 25
past 25
responses 25
application 24
chemical 24
conducted 24
developing 24
economic 24
eia 24
government 24
increasingly 24
manage 24
measures 24
quantitative 24
range 24
recent 24
response 24
strategy 24
stressor 24
attention 23
biological 23
canadian 23
common 23
governance 23
guidance 23
improved 23
plan 23
plans 23
result 23
understand 23
affected 22
australia 22
consequences 22
distribution 22
energy 22
increased 22
main 22
makers 22
mitigation 22
scenario 22
space 22
world 22
account 21
act 21
agencies 21
baseline 21
benefits 21
challenge 21
compared 21
conceptual 21
ensure 21
evaluating 21
highlight 21
i.e 21
industry 21
lead 21
principles 21
requirements 21
role 21
sites 21
action 20
addressing 20
applications 20
b.v 20
contribute 20
develop 20
european 20
evidence 20
examine 20
examines 20
examples 20
extent 20
integrating 20
managers 20
methodology 20
modeling 20
negative 20
public 20
sources 20
stakeholders 20
sustainability 20
affect 19
alternative 19
demonstrate 19
describe 19
estimated 19
gas 19
growing 19
identifying 19
illustrate 19
implications 19
index 19
indigenous 19
multi 19
nature 19
objectives 19
practical 19
programs 19
protection 19
relationships 19
selection 19
services 19
structure 19
thresholds 19
basin 18
concept 18
concern 18
defined 18
dynamics 18
explore 18
facilitate 18
fish 18
fisheries 18
international 18
managing 18
ocean 18
pathways 18
reduce 18
scope 18
source 18
step 18
terms 18
total 18
trends 18
valued 18
watershed 18
2013 17
activity 17
additional 17
basis 17
broad 17
building 17
consideration 17
criteria 17
driven 17
enable 17
expert 17
forest 17
gaps 17
growth 17
improving 17
interviews 17
lessons 17
lower 17
offshore 17
people 17
practitioners 17
quantify 17
regions 17
selected 17
shift 17
similar 17
status 17
suggests 17
systematic 17
apply 16
broader 16
cia 16
collaborative 16
combination 16
complexity 16
established 16
extraction 16
field 16
institutional 16
intensity 16
legal 16
life 16
linked 16
maritime 16
msp 16
objective 16
oil 16
pollution 16
protected 16
require 16
site 16
south 16
urban 16
watersheds 16
10 15
analyses 15
condition 15
consistent 15
countries 15
design 15
determine 15
direct 15
essential 15
evaluated 15
experience 15
explicit 15
federal 15
fishing 15
food 15
governments 15
included 15
incorporate 15
located 15
network 15
purpose 15
remains 15
revealed 15
sector 15
spatially 15
test 15
traditional 15
uncertainty 15
waters 15
wind 15
12 14
5 14
addition 14
applying 14
aquatic 14
component 14
concentrations 14
concepts 14
contribution 14
demonstrates 14
difficult 14
effectiveness 14
estimate 14
explores 14
focused 14
freshwater 14
goals 14
guide 14
implement 14
improvements 14
informed 14
infrastructure 14
law 14
magnitude 14
meaningful 14
methodological 14
perspective 14
predict 14
provided 14
rapid 14
resulting 14
reviews 14
sectors 14
sensitive 14
significantly 14
standard 14
supporting 14
synergistic 14
tested 14
united 14
western 14
20 13
access 13
adaptive 13
additive 13
adverse 13
agency 13
aggregate 13
aim 13
analytical 13
aspects 13
british 13
caused 13
columbia 13
comparison 13
conclude 13
construction 13
cross 13
disturbances 13
expected 13
exposed 13
exposures 13
guidelines 13
highly 13
ii 13
incorporated 13
leading 13
legislation 13
limitations 13
loss 13
means 13
mitigate 13
observed 13
patterns 13
potentially 13
predictions 13
providing 13
regulation 13
reports 13
scores 13
size 13
variables 13
wide 13
widely 13
2015 12
addressed 12
alternatives 12
argue 12
boundaries 12
challenging 12
chemicals 12
collaboration 12
conducting 12
considerable 12
cultural 12
decline 12
definitions 12
directive 12
discuss 12
discussed 12
disturbance 12
diverse 12
drivers 12
emerged 12
engagement 12
finally 12
geographic 12
increases 12
industrial 12
interact 12
issue 12
km 12
lands 12
landscapes 12
legislative 12
modelling 12
offer 12
perspectives 12
power 12
priorities 12
production 12
program 12
regulators 12
relation 12
sensitivity 12
shared 12
socio 12
studied 12
synthesis 12
threatened 12
wildlife 12
2016 11
2020 11
7 11
analyzed 11
availability 11
built 11
ceas 11
concludes 11
connectivity 11
control 11
cover 11
definition 11
density 11
detailed 11
differences 11
discussion 11
distinct 11
diversity 11
elements 11
emerging 11
empirical 11
eu 11
exist 11
expansion 11
focusing 11
functional 11
geospatial 11
humans 11
implementing 11
indicator 11
insights 11
investigated 11
involved 11
jurisdictions 11
lacking 11
limits 11
linkages 11
mapping 11
mechanisms 11
occurring 11
options 11
organizations 11
participation 11
physical 11
platform 11
poor 11
predicted 11
progress 11
protect 11
rapidly 11
rarely 11
recognized 11
resulted 11
reviewed 11
semi 11
setting 11
structures 11
targets 11
uncertainties 11
unique 11
variability 11
vulnerability 11
11 10
2011 10
6 10
adequate 10
alberta 10
baltic 10
benefit 10
characterized 10
collective 10
commonly 10
considerations 10
contributions 10
decades 10
define 10
degradation 10
dependent 10
ecology 10
effort 10
europe 10
examined 10
extensive 10
farms 10
function 10
identifies 10
incorporating 10
initiatives 10
innovative 10
integrate 10
interaction 10
larger 10
leadership 10
linear 10
measure 10
meet 10
nations 10
networks 10
numerous 10
ontario 10
opportunity 10
outputs 10
period 10
periods 10
political 10
priority 10
proponents 10
recently 10
reference 10
renewable 10
researchers 10
rivers 10
scoping 10
seas 10
significance 10
simulation 10
solutions 10
special 10
steps 10
stress 10
strong 10
subject 10
survey 10
transparent 10
type 10
uk 10
ultimately 10
vulnerable 10
worldwide 10
15 9
2012 9
2018 9
absence 9
accounting 9
accuracy 9
advance 9
affecting 9
aims 9
analyze 9
analyzing 9
assumptions 9
authorities 9
benthic 9
build 9
categories 9
changing 9
coast 9
combinations 9
concerns 9
constraints 9
coordination 9
crown 9
designed 9
dimensions 9
distributions 9
drawing 9
effectively 9
establishing 9
expressed 9
facing 9
forests 9
foundation 9
gap 9
half 9
historical 9
identification 9
inadequate 9
individuals 9
industries 9
involving 9
learning 9
led 9
light 9
majority 9
methodologies 9
metrics 9
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occur 9
ongoing 9
organisms 9
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performance 9
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prioritization 9
products 9
promote 9
qualitative 9
realistic 9
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remain 9
remote 9
reporting 9
represent 9
represents 9
respect 9
restoration 9
scientists 9
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shipping 9
short 9
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simulations 9
simultaneously 9
southern 9
specifically 9
stage 9
standards 9
substances 9
supports 9
surrounding 9
technical 9
theory 9
top 9
toxicity 9
2010 8
2014 8
2017 8
2021 8
50 8
ability 8
abundance 8
accumulation 8
achieve 8
actual 8
advances 8
advancing 8
aid 8
biophysical 8
broadly 8
canada's 8
ceam 8
central 8
china 8
coal 8
collected 8
collection 8
combine 8
compare 8
composition 8
concentration 8
decrease 8
demand 8
depending 8
describing 8
detected 8
determining 8
directly 8
ea 8
endpoints 8
enhance 8
ensuring 8
entire 8
environments 8
estimates 8
evaluations 8
examination 8
expanding 8
experts 8
explicitly 8
exploring 8
facilities 8
flow 8
follow 8
footprint 8
forward 8
generate 8
generation 8
gis 8
goal 8
history 8
iii 8
impacted 8
indices 8
indirect 8
individually 8
input 8
limit 8
linking 8
location 8
maintaining 8
mammals 8
map 8
mine 8
minor 8
mixtures 8
nutrient 8
paradigm 8
participants 8
participatory 8
pollutants 8
primary 8
procedures 8
protecting 8
quantified 8
reduction 8
regard 8
relationship 8
reveal 8
road 8
robust 8
serve 8
severe 8
stakeholder 8
structured 8
successful 8
suite 8
supply 8
supported 8
sustain 8
testing 8
theoretical 8
threat 8
tourism 8
trade 8
trajectories 8
transparency 8
underlying 8
upstream 8
utility 8
zones 8
13 7
19 7
2019 7
academic 7
accounted 7
adequately 7
administrative 7
adopted 7
adopting 7
adriatic 7
advancements 7
aimed 7
allocation 7
analysed 7
appraisal 7
arctic 7
average 7
baselines 7
bay 7
bodies 7
calculated 7
capture 7
causal 7
century 7
characteristics 7
characterization 7
choice 7
clarify 7
collectively 7
combines 7
combining 7
companies 7
comparative 7
conduct 7
conflict 7
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contexts 7
continue 7
cra 7
create 7
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cycle 7
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determined 7
document 7
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ecologically 7
efficient 7
emissions 7
emphasis 7
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factor 7
finding 7
fine 7
frequently 7
functioning 7
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highlights 7
holistic 7
hydropower 7
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induced 7
institutions 7
link 7
links 7
livelihoods 7
makes 7
mechanism 7
mines 7
mixture 7
monitor 7
mountain 7
noise 7
obtained 7
operating 7
operations 7
oriented 7
pesticides 7
petroleum 7
planned 7
pose 7
prediction 7
productivity 7
professional 7
promoting 7
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rate 7
real 7
receptors 7
reflect 7
regimes 7
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responsibility 7
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security 7
series 7
shape 7
socioeconomic 7
soil 7
sound 7
spatio 7
sufficient 7
surface 7
terrestrial 7
themes 7
threshold 7
typically 7
u.s 7
undertaken 7
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versus 7
wetland 7
wetlands 7
world's 7
2000 6
2005 6
2006 6
2007 6
21 6
8 6
9 6
accurate 6
accurately 6
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actors 6
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age 6
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air 6
alces 6
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eias 6
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port 6
posed 6
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users 6
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view 6
weak 6
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zone 6
100 5
1970s 5
1991 5
2009 5
2022 5
22 5
25 5
26 5
29 5
80 5
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iv 5
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nonchemical 5
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occurs 5
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offs 5
operational 5
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perform 5
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poorly 5
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rely 5
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sections 5
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service 5
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tackle 5
tarandus 5
technological 5
temperature 5
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trawling 5
tree 5
underwater 5
upper 5
urgent 5
usage 5
varying 5
vegetation 5
wales 5
warming 5
wealth 5
weight 5
0.5 4
1.3 4
16 4
17 4
1999 4
2004 4
2008 4
30 4
40 4
56 4
60 4
accelerate 4
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bc 4
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cias 4
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cras 4
culturally 4
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cumulatively 4
da 4
daily 4
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date 4
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earth 4
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functions 4
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governmental 4
gradient 4
greenhouse 4
groundwater 4
handling 4
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herding 4
historically 4
host 4
hypothetical 4
ia 4
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integral 4
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intense 4
internationally 4
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isolated 4
language 4
licensing 4
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lines 4
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losses 4
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maximum 4
measuring 4
medium 4
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moderate 4
modern 4
mortality 4
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msfd 4
narrow 4
nation 4
nearshore 4
northeastern 4
notably 4
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observation 4
organized 4
organizing 4
output 4
pacific 4
pattern 4
peer 4
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poses 4
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prepared 4
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previous 4
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pronounced 4
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python 4
quantification 4
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questions 4
ranges 4
realm 4
reason 4
receiving 4
recognize 4
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reform 4
regression 4
regulated 4
regulating 4
responding 4
responsibilities 4
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rich 4
roads 4
rules 4
sami 4
samples 4
sands 4
scoring 4
sectoral 4
securing 4
selecting 4
separated 4
settings 4
shifts 4
shown 4
sizes 4
solely 4
solution 4
spatiotemporal 4
spring 4
starting 4
statements 4
stream 4
strengthen 4
stronger 4
structuring 4
subsequently 4
substantial 4
suggesting 4
sum 4
surveys 4
sweden 4
systematically 4
systemic 4
task 4
tend 4
thinking 4
tiering 4
timing 4
training 4
transformation 4
transition 4
trophic 4
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undertakes 4
undertaking 4
units 4
usa 4
usefulness 4
variation 4
vast 4
viability 4
vicinity 4
vulnerabilities 4
weaknesses 4
workshops 4
worst 4
written 4
0.1 3
1.7 3
1000 3
14 3
18 3
1960s 3
1980s 3
1990s 3
1996 3
1997 3
2002 3
2030 3
24 3
34 3
45 3
52 3
aboriginal 3
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academics 3
acceptable 3
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africa 3
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ahead 3
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ambitions 3
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aops 3
apparent 3
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appropriately 3
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art 3
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australia's 3
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150 1
153 1
161 1
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23 1
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32 1
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35 1
36 1
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38 1
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39 1
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42 1
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48 1
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55 1
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58 1
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65 1
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684 1
69 1
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71 1
72 1
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73 1
74 1
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76 1
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78 1
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81 1
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uncontrolled 1
und 1
underestimate 1
undergo 1
undergoing 1
undergone 1
underground 1
underlie 1
underline 1
underlines 1
underlining 1
undermine 1
underperforming 1
underpin 1
undertook 1
undescribed 1
undeveloped 1
undocumented 1
une 1
unexpected 1
unexplored 1
unfold 1
unified 1
unintentional 1
unions 1
uniquely 1
univariate 1
universal 1
universally 1
universities 1
unmodified 1
unnecessary 1
unpredictable 1
unprotected 1
unraveled 1
unravelled 1
unrecognized 1
unrelated 1
unrivalled 1
unsubstantiated 1
unsustainable 1
untapped 1
update 1
updated 1
updating 1
upgraded 1
upholding 1
upscaling 1
uptake 1
urbanizing 1
urge 1
urinary 1
usability 1
usefully 1
userfriendly 1
uso 1
utah 1
utilisations 1
utilisee 1
utilisees 1
utilizada 1
utilizados 1
utilizing 1
utm 1
uvb 1
v2 1
valid 1
valleys 1
valuation 1
vascular 1
vastly 1
veces 1
vegetables 1
vegetated 1
velopments 1
venue 1
verified 1
verify 1
versatile 1
vertebrates 1
vessels 1
viana 1
vibrio 1
vic 1
victims 1
victoria 1
victories 1
victorious 1
vida 1
viewpoint 1
vis 1
visits 1
visualisation 1
visualization 1
visualizations 1
visualize 1
visually 1
vitally 1
vitro 1
voc 1
vocs 1
volatile 1
volume 1
voluntary 1
warmer 1
warmest 1
wastes 1
wastewaters 1
waterbodies 1
waterbody 1
watercourse 1
waterway 1
waterways 1
waterworks 1
waxers 1
weakly 1
wear 1
weather 1
webs 1
websites 1
webtool 1
webtools 1
wedge 1
weed 1
weeds 1
weekly 1
weighted 1
weighting 1
westmoberly 1
wetting 1
wfs 1
whales 1
whatsoever 1
white 1
whitecourt 1
widens 1
width 1
wild 1
wilderness 1
wildfire 1
wiley 1
wilip 1
win 1
windows 1
winners 1
winning 1
winter 1
wishful 1
witnessed 1
woe 1
woodlands 1
woodstock 1
workers 1
workforce 1
workforces 1
workplace 1
workplaces 1
worlds 1
write 1
wrongly 1
wuikinuxv 1
wwf 1
wyoming 1
xai'xais 1
yahey 1
yang 1
yangtze 1
yaqui 1
yarra 1
yeast 1
yielded 1
yielding 1
yields 1
ying 1
yr 1
yslme 1
zaruma 1
zebrafish 1
zinc 1
zodiac 1
zooplankton 1
zoos 1
zrebar 1
α 1
β 1
words |>
  dplyr::filter(n > 60) |>
  echarts4r::e_color_range(n, color, colors = viridis::viridis(100)) |>
  echarts4r::e_charts() |>
  echarts4r::e_cloud(word, n, color, shape = "circle", sizeRange = c(15, 38))
Figure 2: Wordcloud of terms most often used in titles and abstracts of manuscripts on cumulative effects assessments. Note that the following terms were the most frequent, but that it is a by-product of the search queries performed on the Web of Science database: “environmental”, “cumulative”, “effect(s)”, “impact(s)”, “risk(s)”, “assessment(s)”.

Now, the literature on cumulative effects assessment has evolved through time and different fields have taken an interest in the topic as the years progressed. For instance, a lot of interest was given to cumulative effects assessment as part of the environmental impact assessment process from 1985 onward, yet cumulative effects have become a point of emphasis in marine ecosystem in the context of marine spatial planning. Let us explore this by plotting the frequency of the most important words in the literature through time.

word_time <- tidyr::expand_grid(word = unique(words_year$word), year = min(words_year$year):max(words_year$year)) |>
  dplyr::left_join(words_year, by = c("word", "year")) |>
  dplyr::mutate(n = dplyr::case_when(is.na(n) ~ 0, .default = n)) |>
  dplyr::group_by(word) |>
  dplyr::arrange(word, year) |>
    cumcount = cumsum(n),
    word = stringr::str_to_sentence(word)
  ) |>
  dplyr::filter(any(cumcount > 70))

# Chart
word_time |>
  echarts4r::e_charts(year) |>
    smooth = TRUE,
    symbol = "none",
    endLabel = list(show = TRUE, formatter = "{a}"),
    labelLayout = list(x = "92%", moveOverlap = "shiftY"),
    emphasis = list(focus = "series"),
  ) |>
  echarts4r::e_x_axis(min = 1985, max = 2024, formatter = echarts4r::e_axis_formatter(digits = 0)) |>
  echarts4r::e_tooltip(trigger = "axis", order = "valueDesc") |>
  echarts4r::e_animation(duration = 10000)
Figure 3: Number of articles using specific words through time.

Finally, some words may co-occur more frequently within a single text without being directly adjacent. Let us explore which words are most often found together within the same document.

words <- lit |>
  dplyr::mutate(txt = glue::glue("{TITLE}; {ABSTRACT}")) |>
  dplyr::select(uid, txt) |>
  tidytext::unnest_tokens(word, txt) |>
  dplyr::anti_join(tidytext::stop_words, by = "word") |>
  dplyr::distinct() |>
  dplyr::group_by(uid, word) |>
  dplyr::count(word, sort = TRUE) |>
  dplyr::ungroup() |>
  dplyr::group_by(word) |>
  dplyr::mutate(count = sum(n)) |>
  dplyr::ungroup() |>
  dplyr::filter(!word %in% c("na", "elsevier", "reserved")) |>
  dplyr::filter(count > 50) |>
  dplyr::mutate(word = stringr::str_to_sentence(word))

# Pairwise count
pair_count <- widyr::pairwise_count(words, word, uid, sort = TRUE)

# Pairwise correlation
pair_cor <- widyr::pairwise_cor(words, word, uid, sort = TRUE, upper = FALSE) |>
  dplyr::filter(abs(correlation) > .15)

# Layout
lay <- pair_cor |>
  dplyr::select(from = item1, to = item2, correlation) |>
  tidygraph::as_tbl_graph(directed = FALSE) |>
  ggraph::create_layout(layout = "centrality", centrality = tidygraph::centrality_degree()) |>
  dplyr::select(name, x, y)

# Nodes
nodes <- words |>
  dplyr::select(name = word, value = count) |>
  dplyr::distinct() |>
    size = value / 5
  ) |>
  dplyr::left_join(lay, by = "name")

# Edges
edges <- pair_cor |>
  dplyr::select(source = item1, target = item2, value = correlation) |>
  dplyr::mutate(size = value * 10)

# Graph
echarts4r::e_charts() |>
    layout = "none",
    label = list(show = TRUE, position = "right"),
    lineStyle = list(curveness = 0.3, color = "source"),
    labelLayout = list(hideOverlap = TRUE)
  ) |>
  echarts4r::e_graph_nodes(nodes, name, value, size, xpos = x, ypos = y) |>
  echarts4r::e_graph_edges(edges, source, target, value, size) |>
Figure 4: Graph of the relationships between the most frequent words in the title and abstracts of articles focused on cumulative effects assessment.


So far, each word has been considered as a single unit yet words are rarely used in isolation. Let us examine which words tend to follow others by tokenizing by pairs of words rather than single words, i.e. bigrams. We can do this for any nnumber of words by tokenizing in n-grams, but here I focus on pairs only. This was decided after I explored trigrams and found insights to be limited. For the sake of continuity, I recreate the same table and figures from the previous section, although the code I used is different and more generalizable.

# Function to generate n-gram tokenization
ngram <- function(txt, n) {
  rem <- c(
    tidytext::stop_words$word, "na", "environmental", "cumulative",
    "effects", "effect", "impacts", "impact", "elsevier",
    "risks", "risk", "assessments", "assessment", "reserved"
  txt |>
    tidytext::unnest_tokens(word, text, token = "ngrams", n = n) |>
    tidyr::separate(word, glue::glue("word{1:n}"), sep = " ") |>
    dplyr::filter(!dplyr::if_any(dplyr::starts_with("word"), ~ . %in% rem)) |>
    tidyr::unite(word, dplyr::starts_with("word"), sep = " ") |>
    dplyr::distinct() |>
    dplyr::group_by(word, year) |>
    dplyr::count(word) |>

# Abstracts
abstracts <- lit |>
  dplyr::mutate(text = tolower(glue::glue("{TITLE}; {ABSTRACT}"))) |>
  dplyr::select(uid, year = YEAR, text)

# Bigram
bigram <- ngram(abstracts, 2)

# Word frequency regardless of year
words <- bigram |>
  dplyr::group_by(word) |>
  dplyr::summarize(n = sum(n)) |>

# Table
words |>
  knitr::kable(col.names = c("Words", "Number of articles")) |>
  kableExtra::kable_paper() |>
  kableExtra::kable_styling(position = "center") |>
  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "55%", height = "500px")
Table 3: Frequency of pairs of words used in the titles and abstracts of the literature search on cumulative effects assessment.
Words Number of articles
human activities 34
spatial planning 31
climate change 27
ecosystem based 24
marine ecosystems 24
multiple stressors 23
marine spatial 22
based management 20
decision makers 17
ecosystem components 14
planning msp 14
marine environment 13
project level 13
british columbia 12
ecosystem services 12
human pressures 12
based approach 11
decision support 11
maritime spatial 11
water quality 11
conservation planning 10
literature review 10
marine ecosystem 10
north sea 10
wind farms 10
adaptive management 9
based approaches 9
human health 9
km 2 9
management strategies 9
marine strategy 9
paper examines 9
paper explores 9
population dynamics 9
project specific 9
regional planning 9
resource management 9
spatially explicit 9
strategy framework 9
sustainable development 9
anthropogenic pressures 8
baltic sea 8
framework directive 8
geographic information 8
knowledge gaps 8
management actions 8
offshore wind 8
planning process 8
regional scale 8
renewable energy 8
results suggest 8
social ecological 8
anthropogenic stressors 7
ecological components 7
future actions 7
human activity 7
management decisions 7
monitoring programs 7
ontario canada 7
policy act 7
population level 7
project based 7
resource development 7
socio economic 7
anthropogenic activities 6
conceptual framework 6
crown copyright 6
government agencies 6
information system 6
management practices 6
management process 6
monitoring data 6
north america 6
paper concludes 6
policy makers 6
protection agency 6
river basin 6
river watershed 6
semi structured 6
spatial distribution 6
spatial scales 6
spatio temporal 6
valued ecosystem 6
adriatic sea 5
alces alces 5
aquatic ecosystems 5
article examines 5
based marine 5
coastal ecosystems 5
collaborative governance 5
community based 5
conservation efforts 5
data collection 5
development projects 5
ecological system 5
ecologically meaningful 5
ecosystem condition 5
ecosystem health 5
eia process 5
foreseeable future 5
future scenarios 5
gas development 5
human development 5
indigenous rights 5
land based 5
local scale 5
management ceam 5
management plan 5
management tools 5
marine protected 5
meta analysis 5
mitigation measures 5
multiple human 5
multiple stressor 5
natural gas 5
natural resources 5
nonchemical stressors 5
population size 5
real world 5
remote sensing 5
results demonstrate 5
scenario based 5
science based 5
seabed habitats 5
spatial extent 5
special issue 5
strategic level 5
structured interviews 5
support tools 5
trade offs 5
underwater noise 5
wind energy 5
wind power 5
aggregate exposure 4
alberta canada 4
based activities 4
cea methods 4
chemical stressors 4
columbia canada 4
comparative analysis 4
complex interactions 4
data management 4
development scenarios 4
ecological indicators 4
ecosystem component 4
ecosystem service 4
forest management 4
future research 4
future studies 4
greenhouse gas 4
guiding principles 4
indigenous communities 4
inform management 4
information systems 4
land cover 4
land management 4
lessons learned 4
life cycle 4
major challenge 4
management approach 4
management framework 4
management issues 4
management measures 4
management planning 4
management processes 4
marine biodiversity 4
marine conservation 4
marine mammals 4
marine resources 4
marine species 4
monitoring program 4
moose alces 4
msp processes 4
multi stakeholder 4
multiple activities 4
multiple projects 4
multiple threats 4
northern adriatic 4
northern ontario 4
paper reviews 4
paper seeks 4
paradigm shift 4
peer reviewed 4
planning approach 4
practical examples 4
project scale 4
public participation 4
rangifer tarandus 4
reindeer herding 4
relevant human 4
resource extraction 4
resource managers 4
river systems 4
river water 4
scenario analysis 4
site specific 4
social dimensions 4
spatial data 4
spatial scale 4
stressor based 4
stressor interactions 4
study demonstrates 4
study region 4
support maritime 4
sustainable management 4
systematic conservation 4
systematic literature 4
systematic review 4
valued components 4
water resources 4
western canada 4
wind farm 4
2013 published 3
2016 published 3
activities occurring 3
advancing watershed 3
adverse outcome 3
aggregate extraction 3
analysis suggests 3
antagonistic interactions 3
article reviews 3
based analysis 3
based cea 3
based decision 3
based framework 3
based msp 3
baseline data 3
baseline information 3
basin australia 3
biodiversity conservation 3
broad scale 3
canis lupus 3
capacity building 3
caribou population 3
caribou rangifer 3
causal pathways 3
cea framework 3
cea process 3
change analysis 3
change land 3
chemical mixtures 3
climate warming 3
coastal habitats 3
collaborative approach 3
columbia bc 3
community engagement 3
community structure 3
complex models 3
components vcs 3
concentration addition 3
conceptual model 3
conservation priorities 3
conservation strategies 3
coral reef 3
current challenges 3
current cia 3
current practice 3
current practices 3
current status 3
current study 3
daphnia magna 3
data availability 3
data gaps 3
development activities 3
development plan 3
directly affected 3
driven approaches 3
ecological processes 3
ecological systems 3
economic development 3
economic growth 3
ecosystem functioning 3
effective management 3
effective regional 3
empirical data 3
energy development 3
energy sources 3
environmentally sustainable 3
evaluation processes 3
evidence based 3
existing data 3
expert based 3
expert judgement 3
expert knowledge 3
exposure data 3
federal level 3
fine scale 3
fire region 3
fish communities 3
fishing pressure 3
food security 3
forest ecosystems 3
forest harvesting 3
future conditions 3
future development 3
future developments 3
future human 3
future trajectories 3
geospatial tools 3
governance structures 3
governmental organizations 3
grand river 3
habitat quality 3
habitat suitability 3
habitat types 3
hydropower dams 3
increasing pressure 3
indigenous peoples 3
individual development 3
individual project 3
industrial development 3
inform decision 3
informant interviews 3
institutional arrangements 3
key informant 3
key themes 3
land managers 3
landscape scale 3
legal challenges 3
level rise 3
life history 3
local governments 3
local human 3
local scales 3
management alternatives 3
management approaches 3
management efforts 3
management plans 3
marine environments 3
marine litter 3
marine management 3
marine realm 3
mining companies 3
mining development 3
mining industry 3
mining projects 3
mitigation strategies 3
modeling framework 3
modelling approach 3
modelling framework 3
moving forward 3
msp oriented 3
multiple anthropogenic 3
multiple chemical 3
multiple chemicals 3
multiple ecosystem 3
multiple indicators 3
multiple pressures 3
natural resource 3
natural systems 3
numerical methods 3
ocean planning 3
offshore windfarms 3
oil sands 3
outcome pathway 3
paper describes 3
past decade 3
planning framework 3
planning processes 3
policy implications 3
population growth 3
potential benefits 3
potential future 3
practical approach 3
precise predictions 3
project development 3
quantitative approach 3
queensland australia 3
rapidly growing 3
regional land 3
regional level 3
regional scales 3
regulatory framework 3
regulatory frameworks 3
research gaps 3
resource developments 3
resource industries 3
response relationships 3
results provide 3
results reveal 3
sami reindeer 3
science policy 3
scientific information 3
sea approaches 3
sea level 3
sea practice 3
sea space 3
short term 3
significant time 3
single stressor 3
single stressors 3
socio ecological 3
source software 3
south wales 3
spatial distributions 3
spatial plans 3
specific eias 3
stakeholder engagement 3
study aims 3
successful implementation 3
surface water 3
system gis 3
systematic approach 3
temporal analysis 3
temporal scales 3
term sustainability 3
threatened species 3
trans boundary 3
urban centers 3
vary widely 3
water monitoring 3
watershed based 3
watershed canada 3
watershed ceam 3
watershed scale 3
wide range 3
0.5 revealed 2
1 butyl 2
1 ww 2
2 data 2
2021 published 2
3 7 2
3 data 2
3 methylimidazolium 2
4 decision 2
909,000 ha 2
academic literature 2
access article 2
act nepa 2
action research 2
action's incremental 2
actions 2 2
activities undertaken 2
ad hoc 2
additive interactions 2
adverse health 2
adverse outcomes 2
adversely affect 2
adversely affected 2
advocate improvements 2
aegean sea 2
aesthetic values 2
affect species 2
agency epa 2
agriculture land 2
air pollution 2
air quality 2
alces online 2
alternative development 2
alternative pathways 2
alternative scenarios 2
analysis method 2
analytical approaches 2
analytical framework 2
analytical methods 2
analytical platform 2
animal populations 2
anthropogenic actions 2
anthropogenic threats 2
aop frameworks 2
approaches e.g 2
approval process 2
aquatic ecosystem 2
aquatic life 2
aquatic species 2
arctic landscapes 2
article concludes 2
article reports 2
article undertakes 2
assess potential 2
assessed based 2
athabasca river 2
atlantic ocean 2
attention devoted 2
authors published 2
average habitat 2
barrier reef 2
based indicators 2
based methods 2
based monitoring 2
based planning 2
based regulation 2
based statistical 2
basin level 2
benthic community 2
benthic fishing 2
benthic macroinvertebrate 2
biodiversity losses 2
biodiversity strategy 2
biological diversity 2
biological organization 2
blue economy 2
boreal forest 2
bowen basin 2
british columbia's 2
broad sense 2
broader regional 2
build trust 2
butyl 3 2
canada's oceans 2
canadian context 2
canadian ea 2
canadian federal 2
canadian water 2
caribou populations 2
causal inference 2
cea approach 2
cea based 2
cea practice 2
cea science 2
cea strategic 2
cea understanding 2
ceam framework 2
ceam requires 2
challenges exist 2
challenges facing 2
challenges include 2
challenges remain 2
challenging due 2
challenging task 2
cia analyses 2
cia investigations 2
cia model 2
cia policy 2
cia requirements 2
civic engagement 2
closely aligned 2
closely linked 2
coal mining 2
coal seam 2
coastal communities 2
coastal development 2
coastal waters 2
coastal zone 2
commercial fishing 2
common practice 2
community composition 2
competing land 2
complex issue 2
complex processes 2
component vec 2
components including 2
comprehensive understanding 2
conceptual frameworks 2
conceptual models 2
concurrent stressors 2
conducting cea 2
conflict muc 2
conservation actions 2
conservation decision 2
conservation goals 2
conservation priority 2
conservation sites 2
conservation targets 2
construction phase 2
contaminated food 2
contaminated sites 2
contributing factors 2
conventional approaches 2
coral reefs 2
core requisites 2
creativecommons.org licenses 2
critical level 2
critical review 2
cross sectoral 2
cultural values 2
current approach 2
current approaches 2
current capacity 2
current conservation 2
current ecological 2
da foz 2
dam development 2
data analysis 2
data collected 2
data driven 2
data integration 2
data limited 2
data poor 2
decision tree 2
decreasing trends 2
defined framework 2
detailed analysis 2
detection frequencies 2
developed based 2
developing conservation 2
development decisions 2
development increases 2
development infrastructure 2
development mining 2
development pressures 2
development scenario 2
development shipping 2
directive msfd 2
distinct periods 2
distribution model 2
document analysis 2
document review 2
dose response 2
dynamic modelling 2
dynamics models 2
e.g habitat 2
e.g water 2
ea practice 2
easily modified 2
ecological condition 2
ecological connectivity 2
ecological endpoints 2
ecological importance 2
ecological information 2
ecological interactions 2
ecological resilience 2
ecological responses 2
ecological restoration 2
ecological theory 2
ecological trajectories 2
economic factors 2
ecosystem levels 2
ecosystem productivity 2
ecosystem restoration 2
ecosystems marine 2
effective approach 2
effective conservation 2
effective decisions 2
effective msp 2
effectively assess 2
eia legislation 2
eia processes 2
eia reports 2
elevated levels 2
emission sources 2
empirical evidence 2
energy developments 2
energy generation 2
energy sector 2
entire north 2
environment interactions 2
environmentally friendly 2
european directive 2
european union 2
european waters 2
evaluate current 2
evaluated collectively 2
evaluating indicators 2
evaluation approaches 2
examination survey 2
examples highlight 2
existing approaches 2
existing literature 2
existing management 2
expert driven 2
expert elicitation 2
exposure duration 2
exposure pathway 2
extractive industries 2
facilitate reciprocal 2
factors including 2
factors influencing 2
figueira da 2
findings suggest 2
fine grained 2
finer scales 2
fishing activities 2
fishing shipping 2
food supply 2
food systems 2
food web 2
forest cover 2
french polynesia 2
frequently exposed 2
freshwater ecosystems 2
freshwater monitoring 2
future activities 2
future ecosystem 2
future land 2
future projects 2
gas activities 2
gas emissions 2
gas ghg 2
gauge data 2
generalizable approach 2
geospatial data 2
ghg emissions 2
global biodiversity 2
global change 2
global climate 2
global ecological 2
global scale 2
global warming 2
governing cia 2
grazing grounds 2
growing body 2
growing concern 2
growing global 2
grown rapidly 2
guide ecosystem 2
guide management 2
habitat destruction 2
habitat loss 2
habitat type 2
harvesting age 2
hazard index 2
hazardous substances 2
health outcomes 2
healthy ecosystems 2
helpful tool 2
highlight key 2
highlighting data 2
holistic understanding 2
home grown 2
hong kong 2
hong kong's 2
horizontal linkages 2
http creativecommons.org 2
human actions 2
human disturbance 2
human disturbances 2
human footprint 2
human land 2
human populations 2
human pressure 2
human stressors 2
hunter valley 2
hydraulic fracturing 2
hydroelectric development 2
hydropower development 2
hydropower generation 2
hypothetical situations 2
identified 1 2
identify future 2
identify key 2
identify policy 2
identify priority 2
identifying management 2
improve eia 2
improve understanding 2
improved integration 2
improving existing 2
include 1 2
incorporating ecosystem 2
increased access 2
increasing concern 2
increasing evidence 2
increasing human 2
increasingly threatened 2
indicator species 2
indicators based 2
indigenous lands 2
indigenous people 2
individual developments 2
individual indicators 2
individual projects 2
indo pacific 2
industrial fisheries 2
industrialized coastal 2
inform regional 2
information based 2
informed decision 2
institutional capacity 2
institutional learning 2
integrated approach 2
integrated approaches 2
integrated ecosystem 2
integrated land 2
integrated management 2
integrated modeling 2
interacting stressors 2
international research 2
invasive species 2
ionic liquids 2
island wide 2
juvenile fish 2
key driver 2
key factors 2
key indicators 2
key informants 2
key lessons 2
key stakeholders 2
knowledge base 2
knowledge based 2
lagos faro 2
landsat tm 2
landscape change 2
landscape conditions 2
larval dispersal 2
lead agency 2
legal analysis 2
level consequences 2
level planning 2
license http 2
life stage 2
limited attention 2
limited availability 2
linear nature 2
linear project 2
linear structures 2
literature addressing 2
local activities 2
local population 2
local stakeholders 2
loggerhead sea 2
low carbon 2
mackenzie valley 2
macro regional 2
main results 2
main types 2
maintain biodiversity 2
major concerns 2
major threats 2
mammal species 2
management lessons 2
management options 2
management requires 2
management tool 2
manitoba canada 2
marine habitats 2
marine managers 2
marine policy 2
marine space 2
marine spaces 2
marine systems 2
marine waters 2
maritime planning 2
maximum residue 2
meaningful scales 2
mechanistic understanding 2
mediterranean sea 2
methodological challenges 2
methodological framework 2
methylimidazolium chloride 2
mine proponents 2
mineral extraction 2
mining governance 2
mining operations 2
mining regions 2
mitigation actions 2
mixture toxicity 2
model based 2
model simulations 2
modelling techniques 2
monitor based 2
monitoring approaches 2
monitoring ceam 2
monitoring efforts 2
monitoring indicators 2
monitoring results 2
moose wolf 2
mountain rivers 2
mpa planning 2
msp process 2
muc analysis 2
multi dimensional 2
multiple actions 2
multiple concurrent 2
multiple disturbance 2
multiple ecological 2
multiple mining 2
multiple species 2
muskoka river 2
national health 2
national policy 2
national water 2
native vegetation 2
natura 2000 2
natural processes 2
natural stressors 2
nature conservation 2
negative consequences 2
neural network 2
northwest territories 2
nutrient concentrations 2
nutrition examination 2
offshore oil 2
offshore renewable 2
oil spills 2
originally developed 2
otter trawling 2
outcome pathways 2
owf development 2
paper addresses 2
paper argues 2
paper considers 2
paper demonstrates 2
paper makes 2
paper outlines 2
paradigm governing 2
particulate matter 2
past decades 2
pathway aep 2
pathway aop 2
patterns describing 2
pesticide mixtures 2
pesticide residues 2
petroleum drilling 2
pipeline project 2
plan programme 2
planning bodies 2
planning maritime 2
planning requires 2
plant community 2
policies guidance 2
policy framework 2
policy implementation 2
policy interface 2
polyfluoroalkyl substances 2
population health 2
population modeling 2
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transboundary cooperation 1
transboundary environments 1
transboundary marine 1
transboundary planning 1
transboundary watershed 1
transdisciplinary approach 1
transdisciplinary system 1
transdisciplinary team 1
transect data 1
transformation external 1
transformation model 1
transformational change 1
transformative ruling 1
transformed linear 1
transgressing management 1
transition theory 1
transmission grid 1
transnational integrated 1
transnational issues 1
transparency helps 1
transparent comparison 1
transparent framework 1
transparent generalizable 1
transparent justification 1
transparent limits 1
transparent planning 1
transparent program 1
transparent quantitative 1
transparent treatment 1
transparente de 1
transparente les 1
transparentes con 1
transparentes tambem 1
transparents en 1
transport e.g 1
transport potential 1
transport transmission 1
transport treatment 1
transportation infrastructure 1
transportation planning 1
transversal barriers 1
trauma informed 1
traveled road 1
travers le 1
travers les 1
trawl frequencies 1
trawl sectors 1
trawling activities 1
trawling based 1
trawling fishing 1
trawling offshore 1
treated superficially 1
treatment facilities 1
treatment rate 1
treats exposures 1
treaty antarctica 1
treaty consultative 1
treaty protocol 1
tree cover 1
tree ensemble 1
tree framework 1
tree frameworks 1
tree species 1
trend 2 1
trend analysis 1
trend contributes 1
trends affecting 1
trends analysed 1
triage color 1
tributaries ii 1
trieste grado 1
trifling matters 1
trite law 1
trop 56 1
trophic base 1
tropical marine 1
tropical storms 1
trough elevation 1
trust develop 1
tundra caribou 1
tunisian plateau 1
turbid estuaries 1
turbidity increases 1
turbine generators 1
turbine specifications 1
turtles caretta 1
turtles e.g 1
turtles proposed 1
twelve elements 1
twelve recommendations 1
twentieth century 1
twenty indicators 1
twin stressors 1
twofold objective 1
type identity 1
type quantifying 1
types included 1
types ski 1
types threatened 1
typical canadian 1
typical conservation 1
typical ecological 1
typical output 1
typical shortcomings 1
typically arises 1
typically contribute 1
typically focused 1
typically gis 1
typically leads 1
typically weak 1
u.s northeast 1
u.s.epa simplified 1
u2 os 1
ubiquitous nature 1
ud mixtures 1
uk government's 1
uk initially 1
uk legislation 1
uk level 1
uk licensing 1
uk marine 1
uk national 1
uk regulations 1
uk scale 1
uk strategic 1
uk sustainability 1
uk's bottom 1
ultimately conform 1
ultimately inform 1
ultimately lead 1
una explicacion 1
una justificacion 1
unavailability post 1
unblocking barriers 1
uncertain predictions 1
uncertainties evidence 1
uncertainties resulting 1
uncertainty analysis 1
uncertainty bounds 1
uncertainty contemporary 1
uncertainty contribute 1
uncertainty cras 1
uncertainty estimates 1
uncertainty magnitude 1
uncertainty management 1
uncertainty participants 1
uncertainty respecting 1
uncertainty surrounding 1
unclear legal 1
unclear temporal 1
uncommon phenomena 1
uncontrolled wolf 1
unconventional energy 1
und entwicklungsgesellschaft 1
undergoing change 1
underground copper 1
underline 2022 1
underlining assumptions 1
underlying assumptions 1
underlying causal 1
underlying ecological 1
underlying hypothesis 1
underlying model 1
underlying philosophies 1
underlying principles 1
underlying theory 1
underperforming sea 1
underpin cra 1
underpinnings common 1
understand communicate 1
understand key 1
understanding australian 1
understanding decision 1
understanding past 1
understanding remains 1
understanding responsibilities 1
understanding thereof 1
understood broadly 1
understood numerous 1
undertake enquiries 1
undertake regional 1
undertaken regionally 1
undertaken seabed 1
undertaking analysis 1
undertaking cea 1
undertakings past 1
undertakings ultimately 1
undescribed rivers 1
undeveloped quadrats 1
undisturbed landscapes 1
undisturbed situation 1
undocumented assertions 1
une contribution 1
unevenly adopted 1
unevenly distributed 1
unexpected potential 1
unfold themes 1
unified manner 1
uniform design 1
uniform framework 1
uniform sensitivity 1
unintended cost 1
unintentional mixture 1
union agricultural 1
union eu 1
unique biodiversity 1
unique collaborative 1
unique insights 1
unique linear 1
unique position 1
unique pressures 1
unique profiles 1
unique set 1
uniquely sensitive 1
unit 1 1
united kingdom 1
united nations 1
universally accepted 1
unknown statuses 1
unmodified lands 1
unprecedented change 1
unprecedented rate 1
unprotected landscapes 1
unrecognized differences 1
unrelated projects 1
unresolved issues 1
unsubstantiated claims 1
unsustainable land 1
untapped chemical 1
unwanted externalities 1
unwanted future 1
updated modeling 1
updated version 1
updating policies 1
upholding existing 1
upper bounds 1
upper elbe 1
upper estuary 1
upper hunter 1
upper sites 1
upstream dam 1
upstream hydroelectric 1
upstream induced 1
upstream lakes.in 1
upstream site 1
uranium mine 1
uranium mining 1
urban agglomeration 1
urban agricultural 1
urban developments 1
urban environment 1
urban environments 1
urban expansion 1
urban land 1
urban morphologic 1
urban planning 1
urban region 1
urban river 1
urban runoff 1
urban settlements 1
urban stormwater 1
urban watersheds 1
urban waterways 1
urban wetland 1
urbanization typically 1
urbanizing watersheds 1
urinary pah 1
usa british 1
usefully guide 1
usefulness emphasized 1
usepa eleven 1
usepa guidelines 1
user developer 1
user networks 1
user workflow 1
userfriendly interfaces 1
uso resume 1
utah colorado's 1
utilisations resumo 1
utilisee pour 1
utilisees nous 1
utilisees pour 1
utilizada para 1
utilizados investigamos 1
utilizados para 1
utilized tool 1
utilizing experience 1
utm study 1
uvb radiation 1
uvb targeted 1
validation methods 1
valley australia 1
valley germany 1
valley mesoamerican 1
valley northwest 1
valley nsw 1
valleys northern 1
valuable decision 1
valuable fish 1
valuable input 1
valuable opportunity 1
valuable recreational 1
valuable support 1
valued antarctic 1
valued component 1
valued ecological 1
valued ecosystems 1
values actors 1
values aggregated 1
values compared 1
values consistent 1
values driven 1
values evaluate 1
values forest 1
values held 1
values identity 1
values pipelines 1
values transdisciplinary 1
values understanding 1
variable response 1
variables e.g 1
varied actors 1
varied definition 1
varied ecological 1
varied greatly 1
varied taxonomically 1
varies greatly 1
varying health 1
varying human 1
varying space 1
varying spatially 1
varying suitability 1
varying tolerance 1
vascular plants 1
vast agricultural 1
vast majority 1
vast potential 1
vc conditions 1
vc identifying 1
vcs appeared 1
vcs clarifies 1
vcs potentially 1
vec selection 1
veces se 1
vecs conceptually 1
vecs impacted 1
vegetated filter 1
vegetation classification 1
vegetation community 1
vegetation depending 1
vegetation information 1
vegetation patterns 1
vegetation productivity 1
vegetation remnants 1
vegetation science 1
vegetation types 1
versatile chemical 1
versus health 1
versus hydropower 1
versus multiple 1
versus optimizing 1
versus regional 1
vessel monitoring 1
vessel traffic 1
viability 6 1
viability analysis 1
viable populations 1
vibrio fischeri 1
victoria island 1
vida silvestre 1
visits participatory 1
visual censuses 1
visual representation 1
visualization tool 1
visualizations numerical 1
visually oriented 1
vital aspect 1
vital requirement 1
vitro indicating 1
voc dataset 1
voc exposures 1
vocs percentile 1
vol 189 1
vol 37 1
volatile organic 1
volume stays 1
voluntary actions 1
voluntary corporate 1
voluntary measures 1
vulnerabilities additionally 1
vulnerability based 1
vulnerability indexes 1
vulnerability quantified 1
vulnerability weights 1
vulnerable birds 1
vulnerable communities 1
vulnerable ecosystem 1
vulnerable ecosystems 1
vulnerable populations 1
wales australia 1
wales coal 1
wales marine 1
wales nsw 1
wales seabed 1
warmer future 1
warmest decade 1
warming occurring 1
warrant attention 1
warrant elevated 1
waste disposal 1
wastewater handling 1
wastewater management 1
wastewater practices 1
wastewater treatment 1
wastewaters generated 1
water act 1
water australia 1
water chemistry 1
water consumption 1
water contamination 1
water deterioration 1
water discharge 1
water engineering 1
water environment 1
water footprints 1
water holding 1
water human 1
water impoundment 1
water infrastructure 1
water ingestion 1
water initiative 1
water insecurity 1
water intakes 1
water level 1
water management 1
water materials 1
water methods 1
water ph 1
water planning 1
water protection 1
water ranged 1
water reform 1
water reforms 1
water residence 1
water resource 1
water sector 1
water segments 1
water services 1
water similar 1
water sphere 1
water stakeholders 1
water strategy 1
water systems 1
water volume 1
waterbody hydromorphological 1
waterbody level 1
watercourse crossings 1
waters 1996 1
waters 2006 1
waters benthic 1
waters ideally 1
waters including 1
waters requires 1
waters uncertainties 1
watershed agencies 1
watershed alberta 1
watershed alteration 1
watershed analysis 1
watershed approach 1
watershed change 1
watershed complementary 1
watershed context 1
watershed covers 1
watershed efforts 1
watershed governance 1
watershed grw 1
watershed include 1
watershed monitoring 1
watershed plans 1
watershed processes 1
watershed report 1
watershed reporting 1
watershed requires 1
watershed science 1
watershed stability 1
watershed watersheds 1
watersheds biodiversity 1
watersheds direct 1
watersheds ecoregions 1
watersheds interact 1
watersheds involves 1
watersheds lessons 1
watersheds mining 1
watersheds represent 1
watersheds urbanization 1
waterway partnership 1
waxers hazard 1
weak information 1
weak interpretations 1
weak level 1
weak linkages 1
weak recognition 1
weak status 1
weakly assessed 1
wealth collide 1
web based 1
web dynamics 1
web functions 1
web platform 1
webtool providing 1
webtools include 1
wedge polygon 1
wedge polygons 1
weed control 1
weight dw 1
weight ww 1
weighted multiple 1
weighting normalized 1
welfare reform 1
welfare reforms 1
welfare scholarship 1
wellbeing connected 1
west moberly 1
west pacific 1
western forest 1
western indian 1
western iran 1
western mediterranean 1
western perspectives 1
western purview 1
western science 1
western settler 1
western trained 1
western united 1
western wyoming 1
wet period 1
wet season 1
wet weight 1
wetland change 1
wetland definitions 1
wetland development 1
wetland diversity 1
wetland ecosystems 1
wetland environments 1
wetland functions 1
wetland habitats 1
wetland landscape 1
wetland landscapes 1
wetland park 1
wetland restoration 1
wetland sustainability 1
wetland templates 1
wetland type 1
wetland types 1
wetlands lost 1
wetlands mangroves 1
wetlands research 1
wetlands streams 1
wetlands structure 1
wetlands studies 1
wetlands subtle 1
wetlands wetland 1
wetting agents 1
whilst promoting 1
whilst securing 1
white sucker 1
whitecourt forest 1
wide annual 1
wide detailed 1
wide fund 1
wide health 1
wide human 1
wide marine 1
wide master 1
wide odemm 1
wide scale 1
wide set 1
wide transportation 1
widely assumed 1
widely criticized 1
widely distributed 1
widely disturbed 1
widely documented 1
widely extended 1
widely occurring 1
wider social 1
wider view 1
widespread renewable 1
width current 1
wild reindeer 1
wildfire leave 1
wildlife activity 1
wildlife corridors 1
wildlife frontiers 1
wildlife fund 1
wildlife models 1
wildlife monitoring 1
wildlife population 1
wildlife refuge 1
wildlife society 1
wiley sons 1
wilip gin 1
wind developments 1
wind nutrient 1
wind solar 1
wind versus 1
windfarms owfs 1
windfarms projects 1
winning species 1
winter spring 1
wise approach 1
wise cea 1
wise decisions 1
wishful thinking 1
woe methodology 1
wolf canis 1
wolf caribou 1
wolf control 1
wolf populations 1
woodland cover 1
woodlands revealed 1
workforces limit 1
workplace multiple 1
workshop organizers 1
workshop resulted 1
workshops field 1
workshops separate 1
world applications 1
world approach 1
world bank 1
world challenges 1
world context 1
world defining 1
world exposure 1
world management 1
world opportunities 1
world pressures 1
world rely 1
world wide 1
world wildlife 1
world's ecosystems 1
world's largest 1
world's oceans 1
worldwide anthropogenic 1
worldwide concern 1
worldwide expansion 1
worldwide fisheries 1
worldwide outbreak 1
worldwide seeking 1
write search 1
written materials 1
written submissions 1
wrong answer 1
ww elevated 1
wwf deutsche 1
wyoming adopting 1
wyoming northeastern 1
xai'xais nuxalk 1
yangtze river 1
yarra river 1
yarra strategic 1
yeast based 1
yellow river 1
yellow sea 1
yield improved 1
yield moderate 1
yield results 1
yielded objective 1
ying yang 1
youth centre 1
youth centres 1
youth programs 1
yslme 2 1
yslme aiming 1
yukon canada 1
yukon planning 1
yukon regional 1
yukon territory 1
zaruma ecuador 1
zinc mine 1
zodiac traffic 1
zone eez 1
zones 2 1
zones e.g 1
zones occur 1
zoning building 1
zoning system 1
zooplankton abundance 1
zooplankton biomass 1
zooplankton communities 1
zooplankton composition 1
zooplankton species 1
zrebar lake 1
β consumers 1

words |>
  dplyr::filter(n > 7) |>
  echarts4r::e_color_range(n, color, colors = viridis::viridis(100)) |>
  echarts4r::e_charts() |>
  echarts4r::e_cloud(word, n, color, shape = "circle", sizeRange = c(12, 30))
Figure 5: Wordcloud of pairs of words most often used in titles and abstracts of manuscripts on cumulative effects assessments. Note that the following terms were the most frequent, but that it is a by-product of the search queries performed on the Web of Science database: “environmental”, “cumulative”, “effect(s)”, “impact(s)”, “risk(s)”, “assessment(s)”.

word_time <- tidyr::expand_grid(word = unique(bigram$word), year = min(bigram$year):max(bigram$year)) |>
  dplyr::left_join(bigram, by = c("word", "year")) |>
  dplyr::mutate(n = dplyr::case_when(is.na(n) ~ 0, .default = n)) |>
  dplyr::group_by(word) |>
  dplyr::arrange(word, year) |>
    cumcount = cumsum(n),
    word = stringr::str_to_sentence(word)
  ) |>
  dplyr::filter(any(cumcount > 10))

# Chart
word_time |>
  echarts4r::e_charts(year) |>
    smooth = TRUE,
    symbol = "none",
    endLabel = list(show = TRUE, formatter = "{a}"),
    labelLayout = list(x = "92%", moveOverlap = "shiftY"),
    emphasis = list(focus = "series"),
  ) |>
  echarts4r::e_x_axis(min = 1985, max = 2024, formatter = echarts4r::e_axis_formatter(digits = 0)) |>
  echarts4r::e_tooltip(trigger = "axis", order = "valueDesc") |>
  echarts4r::e_animation(duration = 10000)
Figure 6: Number of articles using specific pairs of words through time.

rem <- c(
  tidytext::stop_words$word, "na", "environmental", "cumulative",
  "effects", "effect", "impacts", "impact", "elsevier",
  "risks", "risk", "assessments", "assessment", "reserved"
words <- lit |>
  dplyr::mutate(txt = glue::glue("{TITLE}; {ABSTRACT}")) |>
  dplyr::select(uid, txt) |>
  tidytext::unnest_tokens(word, txt, token = "ngrams", n = 2) |>
  tidyr::separate(word, glue::glue("word{1:2}"), sep = " ") |>
  dplyr::filter(!dplyr::if_any(dplyr::starts_with("word"), ~ . %in% rem)) |>
  tidyr::unite(word, dplyr::starts_with("word"), sep = " ") |>
  dplyr::distinct() |>
  dplyr::group_by(uid, word) |>
  dplyr::count(word, sort = TRUE) |>
  dplyr::ungroup() |>
  dplyr::group_by(word) |>
  dplyr::mutate(count = sum(n)) |>
  dplyr::ungroup() |>
  dplyr::filter(!word %in% c("rights reserved")) |>
  dplyr::filter(count > 10) |>
  dplyr::mutate(word = stringr::str_to_sentence(word))

# Pairwise count
pair_count <- widyr::pairwise_count(words, word, uid, sort = TRUE)

# Pairwise correlation
pair_cor <- widyr::pairwise_cor(words, word, uid, sort = TRUE, upper = FALSE)

# Layout
lay <- pair_cor |>
  dplyr::select(from = item1, to = item2, correlation) |>
  tidygraph::as_tbl_graph(directed = FALSE) |>
  # ggraph::create_layout(layout = "pmds", pivots = 5) |>
  ggraph::create_layout(layout = "kk") |>
  dplyr::select(name, x, y)

# Nodes
nodes <- words |>
  dplyr::select(name = word, value = count) |>
  dplyr::distinct() |>
    size = value
  ) |>
  dplyr::left_join(lay, by = "name")

# Edges
edges <- pair_cor |>
  dplyr::select(source = item1, target = item2, value = correlation) |>
  dplyr::mutate(size = value * 10)

# Graph
echarts4r::e_charts() |>
    layout = "none",
    label = list(show = TRUE, position = "right"),
    lineStyle = list(curveness = 0.3, color = "source"),
    labelLayout = list(hideOverlap = TRUE)
  ) |>
  echarts4r::e_graph_nodes(nodes, name, value, size, xpos = x, ypos = y) |>
  echarts4r::e_graph_edges(edges, source, target, value, size) |>
Figure 7: Graph of the relationships between the most frequent pairs of words in the title and abstracts of articles focused on cumulative effects assessment.


Finally, let’s go beyond unigrams and bigrams and try to work up a collection of relevant expressions arising from the corpus of recurring expressions in the cumulative effects asssessment literature. After a little exploration, I realized that there are some trigrams such as ecosystem-based management and marine spatial planning. These are obviously not captured in the unigrams and bigrams, on top of influencing the results of those analyses. To address this, I decided to redo the analysis by evaluating trigrams, bigrams and unigrams while sequentially removing the most prevalent expressions from the abstracts. The results, while still imperfect, are more representative of the literature.

ngram <- function(txt, n) {
  rem <- c(
    "na", "reserved", "elsevier" # ,
    # "environmental", "cumulative",
    # "effects", "effect", "impacts", "impact",
    # "risks", "risk", "assessments", "assessment"
  txt |>
    tidytext::unnest_tokens(word, text, token = "ngrams", n = n) |>
    tidyr::separate(word, glue::glue("word{1:n}"), sep = " ") |>
    dplyr::filter(!dplyr::if_any(dplyr::starts_with("word"), ~ . %in% rem)) |>
    tidyr::unite(word, dplyr::starts_with("word"), sep = " ") |>
    dplyr::distinct() |>
    dplyr::group_by(word) |>
    dplyr::mutate(count = dplyr::n()) |>

update_abstracts <- function(abstracts, rem) {
  rem <- tolower(rem)
  for (i in seq_len(length(rem))) {
    abstracts <- abstracts |>
      dplyr::mutate(text = stringr::str_replace_all(text, rem[i], " "))

abstracts <- lit |>
    text = glue::glue("{TITLE}; {ABSTRACT}"),
    text = tolower(text),
    text = stringr::str_replace_all(text, "-", " "),
    text = stringr::str_replace_all(text, "maritime", "marine")
  ) |>
  dplyr::select(uid, text)

# Trigrams
trigram <- ngram(abstracts, 3)
rem <- trigram |>
  dplyr::select(-uid) |>
  dplyr::distinct() |>
  dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(count)) |>
  dplyr::filter(count > 3)
trigram <- dplyr::filter(trigram, word %in% rem$word) |>
  dplyr::mutate(count = count / max(count))
abstracts <- update_abstracts(abstracts, rem$word)

# Bigrams
bigram <- ngram(abstracts, 2)
rem <- bigram |>
  dplyr::select(-uid) |>
  dplyr::distinct() |>
  dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(count)) |>
  dplyr::filter(count > 6)
bigram <- dplyr::filter(bigram, word %in% rem$word) |>
  dplyr::mutate(count = count / max(count))
abstracts <- update_abstracts(abstracts, rem$word)

# Unigrams
unigram <- ngram(abstracts, 1)
rem <- unigram |>
  dplyr::select(-uid) |>
  dplyr::distinct() |>
  dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(count)) |>
  dplyr::filter(count > 70)
unigram <- dplyr::filter(unigram, word %in% rem$word) |>
  dplyr::mutate(count = count / max(count))

# Correlations
words <- dplyr::bind_rows(trigram, bigram, unigram) |>
  dplyr::filter(!word %in% c("results suggest", "resource management", "results", "study")) |> # Manual changes
  dplyr::group_by(uid, word) |>
  dplyr::summarize(count = sum(count)) |>
pair_cor <- widyr::pairwise_cor(words, word, uid, sort = TRUE, upper = FALSE) |>
  dplyr::filter(abs(correlation) > .2)

# Layout
lay <- pair_cor |>
  dplyr::select(from = item1, to = item2, correlation) |>
  tidygraph::as_tbl_graph(directed = FALSE) |>
  ggraph::create_layout(layout = "centrality", centrality = tidygraph::centrality_degree()) |>
  dplyr::select(name, x, y)

# Nodes
nodes <- words |>
  dplyr::select(name = word, value = count) |>
  dplyr::distinct() |>
    size = value * 40
  ) |>
  dplyr::left_join(lay, by = "name") |>

# Edges
edges <- pair_cor |>
  dplyr::select(source = item1, target = item2, value = correlation) |>
  dplyr::mutate(size = value * 5)

# Graph
echarts4r::e_charts() |>
    layout = "none",
    label = list(show = TRUE, position = "right"),
    lineStyle = list(curveness = 0.3, color = "source"),
    labelLayout = list(hideOverlap = TRUE)
  ) |>
  echarts4r::e_graph_nodes(nodes, name, value, size, xpos = x, ypos = y) |>
  echarts4r::e_graph_edges(edges, source, target, value, size) |>
Figure 8: Graph of the relationships between the most frequent expressions words in the title and abstracts of articles focused on cumulative effects assessment


Now let us do the same with authors to identify who are the most prolific authors in the field and who is collaborating in the field.

authors <- dplyr::bind_rows(lit$AUTHOR, .id = "uid") |>
  dplyr::select(uid, first_name, last_name) |>
  na.omit() |>
    first_name = stringr::str_sub(stringr::word(first_name, 1), 1, 1),
    name = glue::glue("{last_name} {first_name}.")
  ) |>
  dplyr::select(uid, name) |>
  dplyr::group_by(name) |>
  dplyr::mutate(count = dplyr::n()) |>

authors |>
  dplyr::count(name) |>
  dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(n)) |>
  knitr::kable(col.names = c("Authors", "Frequency")) |>
  kableExtra::kable_paper() |>
  kableExtra::kable_styling(position = "center") |>
  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "55%", height = "500px")
Table 4: Number of articles for each author.
Authors Frequency
Noble B. 19
Depellegrin D. 9
Mazaris A. 8
Menegon S. 8
Coll M. 6
Gunn J. 6
Katsanevakis S. 6
Arnold L. 5
Barbanti A. 5
Duinker P. 5
Farella G. 5
Halpern B. 5
Hanna K. 5
Jones A. 5
Patrick R. 5
Stelzenmueller V. 5
Almpanidou V. 4
Andersen J. 4
Courtenay S. 4
Gissi E. 4
Hansen H. 4
Li Y. 4
Moore J. 4
Moran C. 4
Munkittrick K. 4
Murray C. 4
Sanchez L. 4
Sarretta A. 4
Antwi E. 3
Atkinson S. 3
Boakye-Danquah J. 3
Bonnevie I. 3
Canter L. 3
Claudet J. 3
Cormier R. 3
Dabros A. 3
Franks D. 3
Gergel S. 3
Giakoumi S. 3
Gillanders B. 3
Greig L. 3
Hammar L. 3
Hodgson E. 3
Hume D. 3
Jones F. 3
Jongbloed R. 3
Judd A. 3
Larsen R. 3
Manea E. 3
Ojaveer H. 3
Olagunju A. 3
Owusu-Banahene W. 3
Palsson J. 3
Parkins J. 3
Piet G. 3
Rice G. 3
Rilov G. 3
Schroder L. 3
Shannon L. 3
Steenbeek J. 3
Tamis J. 3
Teuschler L. 3
Venier C. 3
Westwood A. 3
Albano P. 2
Alves F. 2
Antoniuk T. 2
Arkema K. 2
Bergstrom L. 2
Bernard A. 2
Bevilacqua S. 2
Brereton D. 2
Broderick M. 2
Carlson M. 2
Carneiro G. 2
Chen C. 2
Chilima J. 2
Clark D. 2
Clarke C. 2
Conolly R. 2
Crona J. 2
Culp J. 2
Curry R. 2
Declerck M. 2
Degraer S. 2
Doelle M. 2
Dotson G. 2
Dubé M. 2
Durning B. 2
Eddy I. 2
Elliott M. 2
Essington T. 2
Everingham J. 2
Fadini A. 2
Faulkner R. 2
Fernandes M. 2
Ferreira A. 2
Fetissov M. 2
Foden J. 2
Fraschetti S. 2
Germond B. 2
Ghezzo M. 2
Gladstone-Gallagher R. 2
Grech A. 2
Guerry A. 2
Gusatu L. 2
HAY J. 2
Habib H. 2
Hegmann G. 2
Hewitt J. 2
Hines D. 2
Ho E. 2
Innes J. 2
Jaeger J. 2
Jarabek A. 2
Jarre A. 2
Kavadas S. 2
Kirkfeldt T. 2
Korpinen S. 2
Kotta J. 2
Krogman N. 2
Lima A. 2
Loiseau C. 2
Lonsdale J. 2
Loureiro S. 2
Mackelworth P. 2
Magris R. 2
Mahon C. 2
Maina I. 2
Markantonatou V. 2
Martin L. 2
Martone R. 2
Mattsson M. 2
McCold L. 2
Merchant N. 2
Micheli F. 2
Mitchell R. 2
Muir B. 2
Nelson R. 2
Nikolakis W. 2
Paige K. 2
Pascual M. 2
Pennino M. 2
Perini L. 2
Petza D. 2
Posthuma L. 2
Power M. 2
Pressey R. 2
Raitio K. 2
Rehhausen A. 2
Rehren J. 2
Reker J. 2
Rempel R. 2
Rogers S. 2
Ruckelshaus M. 2
Rumes B. 2
Russell J. 2
Saunders S. 2
Scott B. 2
Shackelford N. 2
Shipin O. 2
Sinclair A. 2
Sinclair S. 2
Smith J. 2
Soares A. 2
Sonter L. 2
Stelzenmuller V. 2
Stockbridge J. 2
Strimbu B. 2
Sutherland G. 2
Trant A. 2
Trifonova N. 2
Vassilopoulou V. 2
Vaughan D. 2
Waterhouse F. 2
Westbrook C. 2
Wik-Karlsson J. 2
Winder R. 2
Wright J. 2
Wrona F. 2
Wyatt K. 2
Yates K. 2
Zhang Y. 2
de Vries P. 2
von Thenen M. 2
(Apronti) P. 1
Abbruzzese B. 1
Abolina E. 1
Acosta A. 1
Adams M. 1
Adarnkiewicz G. 1
Addicott E. 1
Adler S. 1
Agius S. 1
Aguilar-Apodaca M. 1
Ahlquist D. 1
Aigars J. 1
Alessi D. 1
Allard C. 1
Allen D. 1
Almroth-Rosell E. 1
Alonso D. 1
Alqarni A. 1
Alyami B. 1
Amorim M. 1
Anceno A. 1
Anderson L. 1
Andersone I. 1
Aonghusa C. 1
Aps R. 1
Archambault P. 1
Armoskaite A. 1
Arroyo G. 1
Arula T. 1
Ashmore P. 1
Astles K. 1
Atlin C. 1
Avery-Gomm S. 1
Backhaus T. 1
Bacon C. 1
Bailey J. 1
Bailly D. 1
Baird M. 1
Baldwin M. 1
Banks G. 1
Barrere J. 1
Barrett D. 1
Barros P. 1
Bartolo R. 1
Baruch-Mordo S. 1
Basnet P. 1
Bastien A. 1
Bastos R. 1
Bates A. 1
Batista M. 1
Bayley M. 1
Bayne E. 1
Beauchesne D. 1
Becker D. 1
Bedford B. 1
Beekma J. 1
Bekale B. 1
Belanger S. 1
Belarde T. 1
Bell S. 1
Bellamy P. 1
Benninghaus E. 1
Benscoter A. 1
Berger U. 1
Bergquist B. 1
Bergstedt H. 1
Bergstrom U. 1
Bernatchez P. 1
Berryman E. 1
Betancourt C. 1
Biasiolli A. 1
Bice S. 1
Bill K. 1
Bindesbol A. 1
Bindra N. 1
Birch G. 1
Birchenough S. 1
Black L. 1
Blackburn-Desbiens P. 1
Blais M. 1
Blakely J. 1
Blenckner T. 1
Boardley S. 1
Boateng F. 1
Boisclair D. 1
Bollweg G. 1
Bonga S. 1
Bongiovanni R. 1
Booth A. 1
Booty W. 1
Borde A. 1
Borg D. 1
Bornman E. 1
Bos O. 1
Bostrom M. 1
Botelho A. 1
Bourbonnais M. 1
Bourdages H. 1
Boutilier R. 1
Boyd D. 1
Bozec Y. 1
Brabant R. 1
Bratanova-Doncheva S. 1
Breen A. 1
Brewer L. 1
Brignon J. 1
Brodersen M. 1
Broome A. 1
Brown C. 1
Buah-Kwofie A. 1
Buchhorn M. 1
Buenau K. 1
Buffin A. 1
Buhl-Mortensen L. 1
Bullman R. 1
Bulman C. 1
Burbidge E. 1
Burke T. 1
Buschke F. 1
Buse C. 1
Buszowski J. 1
Butner C. 1
Cabral H. 1
Cabral J. 1
Cairns D. 1
Caldow C. 1
Caldwell J. 1
Candiago S. 1
Capito M. 1
Caquard S. 1
Cardona L. 1
Cash K. 1
Casselman J. 1
Cassey P. 1
Castro-Sanguino C. 1
Cavallaro K. 1
Chalwell S. 1
Chambers D. 1
Chan K. 1
Chang J. 1
Chang M. 1
Charles A. 1
Chasqui L. 1
Chatzimentor A. 1
Che T. 1
Chen J. 1
Chen L. 1
Chen Z. 1
Chiew F. 1
Chion C. 1
Chiperzak D. 1
Chipev N. 1
Chosewood L. 1
Christensen L. 1
Christensen V. 1
Clarke S. 1
Claro F. 1
Clougherty J. 1
Cobb D. 1
Coffin M. 1
Condie S. 1
Connelly R. 1
Connor B. 1
Connor M. 1
Contin G. 1
Cooke S. 1
Cooney C. 1
Cooper L. 1
Copertino M. 1
Cord A. 1
Cordova F. 1
Cornet C. 1
Cory-Slechta D. 1
Costa M. 1
Costa-Pereira R. 1
Cote I. 1
Cott K. 1
Cousins I. 1
Couto T. 1
Creed J. 1
Critto A. 1
Croft S. 1
Culloch R. 1
Curran D. 1
Curren G. 1
Daanen R. 1
Daigle R. 1
Daley R. 1
Dambacher J. 1
Daniel J. 1
Daughton C. 1
Davies C. 1
Davis K. 1
Day J. 1
De Leo G. 1
De Maio E. 1
De la O-Villanueva M. 1
Degen R. 1
Del Rio-Salas R. 1
Delamont J. 1
Delevaux J. 1
Deveney M. 1
Devenin V. 1
Devillers R. 1
Dey C. 1
Diazgranados M. 1
Dibo A. 1
Dickman C. 1
Diefenderfer H. 1
Diekmann R. 1
Dimitriadis C. 1
District M. 1
District V. 1
Dodson R. 1
Doherty C. 1
Dolkar T. 1
Dotson-Newman O. 1
Doubleday Z. 1
Douglas E. 1
Doxa A. 1
Doyon F. 1
Dubman E. 1
Duboz R. 1
Duchesneau R. 1
Dunn G. 1
Duschl A. 1
Ebbers T. 1
Eberhard R. 1
Ebersole J. 1
Eccles R. 1
Edama M. 1
Eddy B. 1
Ede P. 1
Edwards S. 1
Eger S. 1
Ehrlich A. 1
Ellis C. 1
Ellis J. 1
Elmi A. 1
Engler J. 1
Ensminger J. 1
Epp H. 1
Erlewein A. 1
Escobar L. 1
Espirito-Santo H. 1
Essl F. 1
Esteves T. 1
Etter A. 1
Evagelopoulos A. 1
Evagelopoulos T. 1
Evans A. 1
F P. 1
Faaij A. 1
Failler P. 1
Fan W. 1
Fang Q. 1
Fanning L. 1
Farcas A. 1
Fardell L. 1
Farrell C. 1
Farwell A. 1
Fava C. 1
Ferguson A. 1
Fernandes R. 1
Fernandes T. 1
Ferrarin C. 1
Ferreira C. 1
Ferrier S. 1
Fettig I. 1
Fiddes J. 1
Finley C. 1
Fliedner A. 1
Floeter S. 1
Fogarty M. 1
Fohringer C. 1
Foley M. 1
Fonseca C. 1
Ford A. 1
Forsstrom T. 1
Fowler A. 1
Fox A. 1
Fox C. 1
Fox M. 1
Francini-Filho R. 1
Francis S. 1
French R. 1
Friberg R. 1
Frissell C. 1
Fujisaki I. 1
Fuller M. 1
Furlan E. 1
Furness R. 1
Gadolou E. 1
Galbraith P. 1
Galie A. 1
Gallagher S. 1
Gallardo A. 1
Galloway B. 1
Gandolfi A. 1
Gao H. 1
Gao Y. 1
Gardner-Frolick R. 1
Gaudereto G. 1
Gauthier D. 1
Gaylard S. 1
Gee K. 1
Gehman J. 1
Geissler G. 1
Geneletti D. 1
Genov T. 1
Gerhardt A. 1
Germond-Duret C. 1
Getz C. 1
Ghunowa K. 1
Giang A. 1
Gibbons W. 1
Gibbs M. 1
Gibeau P. 1
Gibson P. 1
Gibson R. 1
Gilchrist G. 1
Gill A. 1
Gimenez J. 1
Gimpel A. 1
Giraldo A. 1
Gjerdrum C. 1
Glasby T. 1
Gocheva K. 1
Goeckener B. 1
Goldsborough D. 1
Gomez-Alvarez A. 1
Goncalves M. 1
Gonzalez-Mirelis G. 1
Gonzalez-Sanson G. 1
Gooding T. 1
Goodsir F. 1
Gormley K. 1
Goss G. 1
Gravel D. 1
Gray M. 1
Greaves C. 1
Griffin R. 1
Grosbois G. 1
Grundlehner A. 1
Gu X. 1
Guarnieri G. 1
Gubbins M. 1
Guia L. 1
Guimaraes A. 1
Gunn A. 1
Gunton T. 1
Haans J. 1
Haapaniemi J. 1
Hackett P. 1
Hague E. 1
Hakansson H. 1
Halder P. 1
Hamm J. 1
Hansen A. 1
Harford A. 1
Harker K. 1
Harris A. 1
Harris C. 1
Hart K. 1
Hartley J. 1
Harvey E. 1
Harwood T. 1
Hasenbein M. 1
Hauer F. 1
Haydon D. 1
He M. 1
He Z. 1
Hedd A. 1
Hedley K. 1
Hemphill J. 1
Hendriks A. 1
Hendryx M. 1
Henriques S. 1
Hermoso V. 1
Herrando E. 1
Hewison R. 1
Heymans J. 1
Hickey G. 1
Hillman J. 1
Ho-Tassone E. 1
Hobday A. 1
Hock K. 1
Hoffele J. 1
Holland K. 1
Holloway G. 1
Holmstrup M. 1
Holroyd P. 1
Hong H. 1
Honrado J. 1
Horne M. 1
Horta P. 1
Hoshino F. 1
Hostetter P. 1
Hou C. 1
Hristova K. 1
Huang J. 1
Hubel K. 1
Hudson R. 1
Humphrey C. 1
Humphries M. 1
Hung S. 1
Hungerbuhler K. 1
Hunsberger C. 1
Hunt G. 1
Hunt L. 1
Hunter J. 1
Iason G. 1
Iles M. 1
Ilyuschenko M. 1
Imhof J. 1
Inaba H. 1
Inga N. 1
Intralawan A. 1
Isaksson N. 1
Iverson A. 1
Ives J. 1
Jackson J. 1
Jacob A. 1
Jak R. 1
Jamshidi S. 1
Jean R. 1
Jefferson T. 1
Jiang Y. 1
Jimenez M. 1
Jin S. 1
Jin Y. 1
Johansson T. 1
John B. 1
Johns D. 1
Johnson B. 1
Johnson C. 1
Johnson D. 1
Johnson G. 1
Johnston N. 1
Johnstone J. 1
Jones B. 1
Jonsson P. 1
Jordhoy P. 1
Jorgenson M. 1
Joseph C. 1
Joyeux J. 1
Jude S. 1
Judge A. 1
Kabir Z. 1
Kade A. 1
Kagesten G. 1
Kaitaranta J. 1
Kallenbach E. 1
Kamunde C. 1
Kandylas A. 1
Kanevskiy M. 1
Kannen A. 1
Kanowski P. 1
Kao S. 1
Kao Y. 1
Karim M. 1
Kark S. 1
Karuchit S. 1
Kaschner K. 1
Kashuba R. 1
Kaska Y. 1
Keller W. 1
Kelly M. 1
Kennedy C. 1
Kenney J. 1
Khan F. 1
Khan M. 1
Kibenge F. 1
Kienle C. 1
Kiesecker J. 1
Kilgore M. 1
King J. 1
Kivinen S. 1
Klancnik K. 1
Klawonn F. 1
Klimecki W. 1
Knott N. 1
Knox G. 1
Koehler H. 1
Koeppel J. 1
Korfmacher K. 1
Koschorreck J. 1
Kosuta S. 1
Koukourouvli N. 1
Kramarz P. 1
Kramer D. 1
Kraus S. 1
Krause T. 1
Krieger G. 1
Krishna S. 1
Kristensen S. 1
Kropp R. 1
Kuiper J. 1
Kujala H. 1
Kwabena A. 1
Kwaku A. 1
Kyhn L. 1
LEE L. 1
La Riviere M. 1
La Rovere E. 1
Laamanen L. 1
Lalonde K. 1
Lam D. 1
Lamont M. 1
Landini M. 1
Langer O. 1
Lapointe N. 1
Lashley B. 1
Laskowski R. 1
Laumbach R. 1
Lavoie C. 1
Lawrence R. 1
Lawton P. 1
Lee C. 1
Lee Y. 1
Lehtiniemi M. 1
Leibowitz S. 1
Lejart M. 1
Lemmen C. 1
Lerner J. 1
Leuven R. 1
Levy J. 1
Lewis D. 1
Li F. 1
Li M. 1
Li R. 1
Li Z. 1
Lian M. 1
Liljedahl A. 1
Lin C. 1
Lin L. 1
Lindquist N. 1
Littlewood N. 1
Liu J. 1
Liu W. 1
Liu X. 1
Liversage K. 1
Livingstone D. 1
Lloret-Lloret E. 1
Lock R. 1
Lockerbie E. 1
Logmansbo I. 1
Lohrer A. 1
Lokke H. 1
Lombard A. 1
Long K. 1
Lotze H. 1
Lowery E. 1
Loxton E. 1
Lu S. 1
Lu Y. 1
Luna-Acosta A. 1
Lund B. 1
Lundquist C. 1
Luo J. 1
Luxton S. 1
Lynam C. 1
Lyndon A. 1
Ma C. 1
Ma D. 1
Ma M. 1
Ma Z. 1
MacDonald N. 1
MacDougall M. 1
MacVicar B. 1
Mach M. 1
Macic V. 1
Mackereth R. 1
Macnair R. 1
Magee J. 1
Magel I. 1
Mahai G. 1
Mahiny A. 1
Mahnashi M. 1
Maier A. 1
Maistrelis K. 1
Malison R. 1
Mallory M. 1
Malt J. 1
Mangan S. 1
Mansui J. 1
Mansuy N. 1
Marcomini A. 1
Marcotte D. 1
Marlatt V. 1
Marsoner T. 1
Martin T. 1
Martinez R. 1
Martini N. 1
Maruyama S. 1
Masden E. 1
Mason R. 1
Matarrese R. 1
Mateos-Rodriguez M. 1
Mattsson D. 1
Matyshak G. 1
Mayor S. 1
McConnell W. 1
McEachern M. 1
McGuigan E. 1
McIntyre J. 1
McKindsey C. 1
McLaughlin R. 1
McManamay R. 1
McManus P. 1
McMaster M. 1
McPhee M. 1
McWhinnie L. 1
Mckinley E. 1
Mease L. 1
Meers J. 1
Meesters E. 1
Mendivil-Quijada H. 1
Mendoza G. 1
Menzie C. 1
Meyer T. 1
Meyerjuergens T. 1
Meza-Figueroa D. 1
Meza-Montenegro M. 1
Michel S. 1
Mikkelsen E. 1
Milford J. 1
Miliou A. 1
Milos A. 1
Minns C. 1
Miserendino R. 1
Misiune I. 1
Mitro S. 1
Moellmann C. 1
Moilanen A. 1
Mokany K. 1
Molander S. 1
Moldoveanu M. 1
Moller T. 1
Monavari S. 1
Montenegro M. 1
Morf A. 1
Morinha F. 1
Morris C. 1
Morrison T. 1
Morrison-Saunders A. 1
Mortensen L. 1
Moschandreas D. 1
Mostaco F. 1
Mubashir M. 1
Mucci A. 1
Mueller-Karulis B. 1
Mumby P. 1
Munoz A. 1
Munshaw R. 1
Murison L. 1
N'Guetta A. 1
Na G. 1
Naderi A. 1
Nagorski S. 1
Nascimento W. 1
Nasen L. 1
Natsui S. 1
Neas L. 1
Neilson J. 1
Nekum S. 1
Nellemann C. 1
Nelson M. 1
Nesbit R. 1
Nestler J. 1
Newey S. 1
Nexer M. 1
Nicholson J. 1
Nicholson R. 1
Nickle J. 1
Nicolsky D. 1
Niiranen S. 1
Nitivattananon V. 1
Normant-Saremba M. 1
Notte C. 1
Nurkse K. 1
Nurmi M. 1
O'Connell L. 1
O'Connor P. 1
O'Meara T. 1
O'Neal S. 1
Oakleaf J. 1
Occhi T. 1
Olden J. 1
Olesen P. 1
Oliveira E. 1
Oliver J. 1
Olszynski M. 1
Omori G. 1
Onukwufor J. 1
Oostingh G. 1
Orav-Kotta H. 1
Orey S. 1
Orobko M. 1
Osorno A. 1
Osterlin C. 1
Otto S. 1
Ouyang W. 1
Pais M. 1
Palen W. 1
Parlee B. 1
Parrott L. 1
Pastres R. 1
Pater C. 1
Patterson C. 1
Pavey C. 1
Payne-Sturges D. 1
Pecceu E. 1
Peirce J. 1
Pelech S. 1
Penn B. 1
Perdicoulis A. 1
Perry D. 1
Peter S. 1
Peterlin M. 1
Petkova-Georgieva S. 1
Pham H. 1
Pietroluongo G. 1
Pilditch C. 1
Pillay L. 1
Pineault S. 1
Pinhancos A. 1
Piper J. 1
Piroddi C. 1
Pita C. 1
Plewes R. 1
Pniewski F. 1
Politikos D. 1
Popescu V. 1
Porporato E. 1
Porter M. 1
Portman M. 1
Portt C. 1
Post D. 1
Post J. 1
Pouzols F. 1
Pozsgai G. 1
Pradhan N. 1
Prahler E. 1
Preston B. 1
Probst W. 1
Provencher J. 1
Prowse T. 1
Puets M. 1
Puntila-Dodd R. 1
Puotinen M. 1
Páez Y. 1
Qian Y. 1
Quemmerais-Amice F. 1
Quentric A. 1
Quintela A. 1
Rahman M. 1
Railsback S. 1
Ranieri B. 1
Rasmussen J. 1
Ratsep M. 1
Rautio M. 1
Ray D. 1
Rayner D. 1
Raynolds M. 1
Rees M. 1
Resler O. 1
Revel R. 1
Reynolds J. 1
Rezende R. 1
Ricaurte-Villota C. 1
Rich K. 1
Richardson D. 1
Richardson J. 1
Richardson M. 1
Ripple W. 1
Rissik D. 1
Robertson G. 1
Rodgers A. 1
Rodgers K. 1
Rodriguez-Rodriguez A. 1
Roedder D. 1
Rolfe J. 1
Romagnoni G. 1
Romanovsky V. 1
Ronconi R. 1
Rooney R. 1
Rorije E. 1
Rosqvist G. 1
Ross B. 1
Rossi V. 1
Rousseau Y. 1
Roy S. 1
Rubene G. 1
Ruedel H. 1
Ruemper L. 1
Russell D. 1
Sacchi J. 1
Sadler B. 1
Salcito K. 1
Salmanmahiny A. 1
Sander G. 1
Santana-Alcantar M. 1
Santos D. 1
Santos M. 1
Sarfo A. 1
Satterfield T. 1
Saulsbury J. 1
Savage C. 1
Sayanda D. 1
Scammell M. 1
Scarano L. 1
Scheffran J. 1
Scheil V. 1
Scheringer M. 1
Schirmer J. 1
Schirpke U. 1
Scholles F. 1
Schonwald M. 1
Schulte J. 1
Scrivens S. 1
Sedioli O. 1
Seeger B. 1
Seitz N. 1
Senner R. 1
Sergeant C. 1
Setiawati M. 1
Sexton E. 1
Sexton K. 1
Sezgin C. 1
Shammi M. 1
Shang Y. 1
Sheelanere P. 1
Shester G. 1
Shi E. 1
Shmool J. 1
Show P. 1
Shucksmith R. 1
Shur Y. 1
Shuter J. 1
Sibik J. 1
Silver D. 1
Silver J. 1
Simeoni C. 1
Singer B. 1
Singh G. 1
Singh N. 1
Singla V. 1
Sini M. 1
Sink K. 1
Siqueira-Gay J. 1
Sizo A. 1
Sjoestrand S. 1
Skuce N. 1
Skwaruk J. 1
Slootweg J. 1
Smajgl A. 1
Smardon R. 1
Smit K. 1
Smith M. 1
Soares Y. 1
Soderman T. 1
Sodra V. 1
Song Y. 1
Sonibare J. 1
Souza-Filho P. 1
Sozbilen D. 1
Sozinho D. 1
Spaling H. 1
Sparling C. 1
Spicer K. 1
Spurgeon D. 1
St Pierre D. 1
St-Laurent G. 1
Stamoulis K. 1
Standish R. 1
Stanescu S. 1
Starr M. 1
Starzomski B. 1
Ste-Marie A. 1
Stein U. 1
Steinberg P. 1
Stelfox B. 1
Stemmer B. 1
Stephenson F. 1
Stevens D. 1
Stienen E. 1
Stinnerbom M. 1
Stithou M. 1
Stockan J. 1
Stokes V. 1
Storey A. 1
Strake S. 1
Strand O. 1
Strom K. 1
Sumida P. 1
Sun B. 1
Sunter E. 1
Susi P. 1
Sutherland I. 1
Svendsen C. 1
Swadling D. 1
Sylwestrzak Z. 1
Symanski E. 1
Syrbe R. 1
Tareq S. 1
Tasheva Y. 1
Tata L. 1
Taylor A. 1
Teff-Seker Y. 1
Theobald D. 1
Therivel R. 1
Therriault T. 1
Thiault L. 1
Thiebaud L. 1
Thom R. 1
Thomas A. 1
Thompson A. 1
Thrush S. 1
Tilly M. 1
Tittensor D. 1
Tollefsen K. 1
Tomczak M. 1
Toms J. 1
Tonn W. 1
Tornqvist O. 1
Travassos P. 1
Tregarot E. 1
Troia M. 1
Tsapalou V. 1
Tscholl S. 1
Tseng C. 1
Tseng S. 1
Tulloch V. 1
Tunesi L. 1
Turner B. 1
Tweddle J. 1
Tyllianakis E. 1
Unalan D. 1
Uribe E. 1
Utzinger J. 1
Valencia M. 1
Van Bloemestein U. 1
Van der Kraak G. 1
Vanermen N. 1
Vanschoenwinkel B. 1
Vardei M. 1
Vassilopoulos A. 1
Veiga M. 1
Venkatappa M. 1
Vicente J. 1
Vickas M. 1
Vieillard A. 1
Vigl L. 1
Vilar C. 1
Vilardo C. 1
Vissault S. 1
Vistnes I. 1
Vitule J. 1
Volwater J. 1
Waggitt J. 1
Wahlstrom I. 1
Walker D. 1
Walker H. 1
Walker R. 1
Walters C. 1
Wan Y. 1
Wang B. 1
Wang J. 1
Wang Y. 1
Wang Z. 1
Ward J. 1
Ward T. 1
Wassenaar P. 1
Watson R. 1
Watson-Cook E. 1
Webb J. 1
Weber M. 1
Webster K. 1
Weclaw P. 1
Weiss M. 1
Weitkamp L. 1
Weitz J. 1
Wells-Moultrie S. 1
Welsch A. 1
Wende W. 1
West G. 1
Westhead M. 1
White R. 1
Whited D. 1
Whitehead A. 1
Wiafe O. 1
Wiebe P. 1
Wielga M. 1
Wihsgott J. 1
Wilcox K. 1
Williams C. 1
Williams P. 1
Williamson B. 1
Willsteed E. 1
Wiltshire K. 1
Wintle B. 1
Wirtz K. 1
Wojcik D. 1
Wong I. 1
Wong J. 1
Wong S. 1
Woodley C. 1
Wright A. 1
Xia W. 1
Xie L. 1
Xin M. 1
Xu L. 1
Xu N. 1
Xu S. 1
Xue X. 1
Yamasaki S. 1
Yamu C. 1
Yan B. 1
Yang G. 1
Yang H. 1
Yang S. 1
Yap N. 1
Yarranton G. 1
Ye J. 1
Yeh P. 1
Yu J. 1
Yunda-Guarin G. 1
Zaini D. 1
Zampollo A. 1
Zarkesh M. 1
Zgrundo A. 1
Zhang L. 1
Zhang M. 1
Zhang Z. 1
Zheng H. 1
Zhou S. 1
Zijp M. 1
Zillen L. 1
Zota A. 1
Zuidema C. 1
da Silva J. 1
de Aquino P. 1
de Campos G. 1
de Juan S. 1
du Toit J. 1
van Broekhuizen F. 1
van Leeuwen L. 1
van de Meent D. 1
van den Heuvel M. 1
van der Marel R. 1
van der Wal J. 1

pair_cor <- authors |>
  dplyr::filter(count > 1) |>
  widyr::pairwise_cor(name, uid, sort = TRUE, upper = FALSE) |>
  dplyr::filter(correlation > 0.2)

# Layout
lay <- pair_cor |>
  dplyr::select(from = item1, to = item2, correlation) |>
  tidygraph::as_tbl_graph(directed = FALSE) |>
  # ggraph::create_layout(layout = "pmds", pivots = 5) |>
  ggraph::create_layout(layout = "kk") |>
  dplyr::select(name, x, y)

# Nodes
nodes <- authors |>
  dplyr::select(name, value = count) |>
  dplyr::filter(name %in% pair_cor$item1 | name %in% pair_cor$item2) |>
  dplyr::distinct() |>
    size = value * 2
  ) |>
  dplyr::left_join(lay, by = "name")

# Edges
edges <- pair_cor |>
  dplyr::select(source = item1, target = item2, value = correlation) |>
  dplyr::mutate(size = value)

# Graph
echarts4r::e_charts() |>
    layout = "none",
    label = list(show = TRUE, position = "right"),
    lineStyle = list(curveness = 0.3, color = "source"),
    labelLayout = list(hideOverlap = TRUE)
  ) |>
  echarts4r::e_graph_nodes(nodes, name, value, size, xpos = x, ypos = y) |>
  echarts4r::e_graph_edges(edges, source, target, value, size) |>
Figure 9: Network of interactions between authors